*Zatsu yelped in surprise as she stumbled. After righting herself, she curiously followed after Akira.*

*The half-breed looked around the new room. He hummed softly in interest as he glanced at his mate, who was looking through the window. Dabi sighed softly and walked over to him, carefully touching his thigh.* -I really don't want to keep you here. It's sad when you do this.-

The alchemist turned his head toward the man. He gave a small smile. "Now we just need to heat the water up." He stated pointing at a fireplace in front of the pool and a water tank which had a small oven underneath. "You can do that while I get a bit cleaned up." He tilted his head towards a clean up station with a faucet, brush and all that kind of stuff.

Akira gave a small grin as she led the woman to the other end of the room. But she stopped half way and stared at the people on the dance floor for a hot second "Can you dance?" She turned her head slightly towards Zatsu.

*The half-breed nodded and walked over to the fireplace. Using one of his blue flames, Dabi lit the fireplace. He then walked over and lit up the small over with a bigger flame.*

*The alchemist tilted her head a little.* "Uhm...Depends on what kind of "dance" you're referring to."

Akira gave a confused look "There are different kinds?" She asked with a monotone voice as if the other was lying.

Tomura got himself cleaned up which meant getting rid of blood, sweat and cum on or a bit in his body. As he was finished the cloud picked his now wet body up again and made space for his mate. The cloud floated over to the tub as he touched the water to see where it was the warmest.

*Zatsu giggled softly.* "Yes. Ballroom, salsa, tap, ballet..." *The alchemist stopped when she felt Akira's bored gaze drilling into her skull. She sighed under her breath.* "Sorry."

*Dabi waited for his mate to get in, helping him carefully, before getting in himself.*

The man let out a sigh at the warm water. He knew the temperature would increase with time but now it was a little bit warmer than room temperature. Therefore he waited for Dabi to come in as well. He then paddled over to him and snuggled into his warm chest.

The alchemist gave surprised look "No no don't worry. I just knew nothing about such stuff...so what of all the stuff can you dance?" She asked as her eyes shifted to the couples on the dance floor.

*The half-breed shifted his gaze to his mate. He felt himself smile as he ran a hand through Tomura's hair.*

"Well, it was mandatory I learned the typical ballroom." *Zatsu shrugged.* "And when Sakkaku and I were younger we tried just...modern dancing. Though we were horrible at it.""

Huh?" The woman looked at the couples dancing "If you'd ask me what they're doing looks boring as hell." She gave a small groan before turning on her heel.

The man gave a smile as he turned so that his back was against his mate's chest. He gave a soft hum as he kissed his arm gently. "This is nice." He stated not really thinking right now. It was just so calm here, almost silent.

*The alchemist watched Akira walk ahead. She was hesitant but slowly stepped back, not sure if she wanted her to follow or stay behind.*

"Agreed." *Dabi hummed as he rested his head on the back of Tomura's head. For once, everything felt calm and not hectic as hell. Dabi felt like he could actually breathe for once rather than suffocate under waves of work and expectations.*

Tomura gave a low huff as one of his hands took Dabi's left. He guided the hand to his stomach where he rested both their hands on. As he intertwined some of their fingers he gave a smile. Never in his wildest dreams he had imagined himself being a king and carrying a dragon's child.

Bound by Fate (Shigadabi)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora