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Tomura's eyes shut open as he let out a painful groan. It was the second time this night Coí had kicked him awake. He rubbed his cheek for a second before he did the same with his forehead. The hand then gently went down to the bulge to go over it. He gave a sigh 'God damn you...' his crimson eyes looked to the next clock besides the bed. 'Not only is Dabi acting a bit suspicious with all he has to do and in what condition he always comes back.' he just remembered how his mate practically crawled into bed in his mini form for cuddles a week ago. 'He shouldn't overwork himself that much.....oh well 5:12...might get up as well. I won't have a chance to go to sleep after all.' the man gave the sleeping half-breed laying beside him with his tail wrapped around the alchemist's legs and wings spread out a kiss. As he did so he gently removed his tail and wings brushing along the scales of both after he repositioned them.

*The half-breed gave a low groan as he nuzzled his face further into the pillow.*

The man couldn't help but smile as he rubbed his eyes. 'Well I would have to get up eventually..' he told himself as he slid off the bed and held onto the wall as support. Everytime he stood up he was always surprised at the weight around his stomach. 'Well depending when Dabi got me pregnant the birth should be rather soon...' he walked through the room being as silent as possible. His eyes went through the room as he sighed. 'It feels unreal in a way. Like I am just watching myself...' he shook his head. 'Stop it brain...it will be alright...Dabi and Ranya (the midwife) will be there..' he breathed in as he continued to make his way over to the bathroom to start his daily routine.

*The castle was quiet aside from the few kitchen staff—most friends of the kings—up early to talk and spend some time with one another. Dabi cuddled up to the pillow Tomura had placed in front of him, his body too tired to realize that it was not his mate.*

The alchemist needed way longer than he anticipated to get ready. His body was in pain and he didn't want to overdo it on the painkillers he got for that. Especially with all the other pain meds he took to nake him feel better or at least not like dying. At least his midwife recommended to not do that. It took Tomura around 45 minutes to get ready as he had bathed in hot water with some oils to help with the pains in his leg, back and hips. He also really liked the smell these oils had. It was a nice bonus to help him relax. Now wrapped in two towels, one over his shoulders and one around his hips, he walked back into the room.

*The dragon's tail now laid draped off the bed as he laid in the most awkwardest position, one arm folded over his eyes.*

Tomura made his way over to the closet before he would try to speak to the man. He decided on one of Dabi's already oversized shirts and a warm jacket to wear. Along with a cloth wrapped arpund him for stomach support and his special stockings. He just wanted to be comfortable now as he also got some saggy pants. He looked in the mirror at himself. His younger self sure wouldn't believe his eyes if he saw him now. Big stomach with stretch marks, deep dark circles under his eyes, bad skin and maybe a little chubbier than he used to be. But that was alright, Dabi would always kiss his flaws and take care of him, telling him hiw much he loved him and how precious he was. He put his hair in a lower bun as he sighed "I let myself go." As his white silk like hair was already at the middle of his back again. He walked out a second later to go over to the bed. He sat down next to Dabi as he gently brushed his hair with his hand. "You up love?"

*The half-breed gave a soft groan as he rolled his body closer to Tomura's, trying to find it with his eyes closed so he could hold him.*

Tomura helped him by scooting his body closer to Dabi so that his tail found the man first.

*A small smile tugged at Dabi's lips as he snuggled against his mate, his fingers lightly tracing over his clothes skin.*

He gave a smile as he brushed through his white messy hair. A second later his hand moved on to trace his skin as he hummed "Maybe I should heal you up a bit later. You look like you might need it. And I don't want you to go back and stab staples into your skin."

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