Dabi looked at the other male behind him. He smiled a little and placed a hand on one of Tomura's. "Hello Love."

The alchemist leaned down as his free hand went up to Dabi's chin to lift his head. He kissed the man for a few seconds until he spoke again "We have to go now. I feel better now and thanks for the food." He pecked his lips "It was delicious."

"Well I'm glad you enjoyed it." Dabi snickered softly. "And I'll be out in a moment, okay?"

"Sure." He gave him another kiss before he gave a soft hum. "I'll wait at the gate." His hands slid off of him as he disappeared in some cool black and crimson fog.

The dragon gave a soft sigh before standing up. After heading into the room to quickly change, Dabi came outside. He walked over to his mate and slipped his hand carefully into the alchemist's. "You ready to go, Tomura?"

"Yeah, I am ready when you are." He gave a grin as he squeezed their hands while looking at him.

Dabi glanced at him and smiled softly, planting a soft kiss on his forehead. "Alright then. Let's go." He then started to lead Tomura ahead.

The man followed him silently with his fingers now intertwined with the dragon's. He gave a small smile while doing so.

Dabi glanced back at his mate and gave him a soft nod. He continued on ahead, leading him through the village.*

The man tried his best not to look too anxious as the people watched them. But his grip got a bit tighter around the man's hand as he moved a bit closer to him.

The dragon glanced back at his mate. He sighed softly and slowed down enough for Tomura to catch up. "It's okay, Love." He whispered. "Just breathe, okay? I'm right here."

Tomura gave a huff "Couldn't we just fly over to them..." He gave a few small glances to everyone around him. Even if he knew the villagers would not even dare to speak a bad word about him, their eyes were the worst. He was not used being watched by so many people, which is why Dabi held speeches most the time and did official stuff like meetings.

"We will." Dabi kissed his head. "We can't transform in the kingdom. It's too small."

"Mhm..." He hummed as he breathed in trying to calm down. He squeezed Dabi's hand as he felt himself slowly calm down as they continued walking. Once they were out of the kingdom's gates, Dabi slowly released his mate's hand and shifted into his dragon form.

The man waited for him to transform and as his boyfriend was in his black dragon form memories came back. He couldn't help but grab his front left leg and hug it. Tomura rubbed his face gently against the warm smooth scales.

Dabi looked down at his mate. He growled softly in confusion as he leaned his head down and held it against his mate gently.

The man moved onto to Dabi's head and hugged it. "I-I just got a lot of memories...you know, when we first met and all that..." he rubbed the dragon's soft scales under his chin.

The dragon gave a small nod. He kept his head against his mate's, closing his eyes.

"You're warm love..." he hummed as he kissed the dragon's snout.

*Dabi growled softly as he nodded. He stayed close to his mate, allowing his small cold body take away all his heat. Of course, he didn't exactly care.*

Tomura giggled after a while "Alright, let's go then~" he hummed as he teleported on his back smiling. He held onto one of his spikes.

*The dragon looked over his shoulder at Tomura. He growled lowly and slowly lifted up into the air.*

Bound by Fate (Shigadabi)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum