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Exclusively Lesbianism

*Hoshi was still laying on the bed. He looked up at the two women when they appeared and mewed at them.*

Akira gave a small smile as she leaned forward "Come jump on." She offered the woman's stomach for him as a place to sit.

*The palisman, without a second thought, jumped onto his creator's stomach. He pawed her stomach as curled up into a ball.*

"Good kitty." She hummed as she then teleported again. When they reappeared they stood in the middle of a beautiful small island in a lake. The lake was in a cave with the sun shining down near the island on the lake. It reflected beautifully and lit up the cave. The cave was covered in very rare beautiful flowers and it seemed as if it was spring on if even if it was winter outside. A waterfall was at one end of the lake, it was not too loud but a nice background sound. The woman gave a smile as she placed both down on the soft moos carpet on the small island. The island had enough space for at least 6 people and was soft. The air in the cave was fresh and smelled sweet from all the different flowers hanging at the walls. Between them were small crystals shinning in the sunlight. They came in all different shapes and colours as they decorated the cave and the flowers. All in all were there more crystals than flowers.

*Hoshi looked around the new area. He hopped off his creator's stomach and examined the area around him. His tail flicked as he turned to Akira and gave a confused meow.*

"It's perfect, isn't it?" She set the woman down as a small basket appeared next to her. It was filled with a kinds of sweets and fruits as well as some quality cheese. She gave a smile as she looked at the resting woman. "She'll wake up in a small while." She kissed her head again.

*The feline purred as he walked over to Akira and sat beside her. He nosed her hand, nudging his head underneath her hand so he could receive attention.*

The woman gave a small giggle as she now pat his head. She slowly stroke his head before moving a bit backwards with her hand "You like that, don't you?~" she chuckled.

*Hoshi let out a soft meow in response as his tail flicked back and forth behind him.*

"You're such a good kitty~" she purred out but then her attention instantly shifted to her girlfriend as she was moving in her arms while groaning.

*The woman rubbed her eyes as she stirred on the ground. It didn't take long for her eyes to flutter open. Instinctively, she bolted up to check her surroundings, but a throb in her head urged her back down a bit.*

Akira gave a hum as she kissed her head "It'll be alright, give it a few seconds~" she hummed as one of her hands now brushed along her side to comfort her. The other was still petting the needy cat. Her chapped lips then kissed her forehead as she smiled at the woman below her.

*Zatsu looked up to meet Akira's eyes. She then looked around the island in curiosity.* "Where...are we?"

"Somewhere beautiful." She kissed her lips as she gave a sigh. "I tried to find a place that matches your beauty." She looked into those gorgeous and gently crimson eyes.

*The alchemist felt herself blush as he carefully slid up into a sitting position.* "You're so sweet~" *She purred as she planted a kiss on her lover's cheek.* "But...you do know you don't always have to drug me, right?"

"Well...I wasn't sure if I could convince you to take a break and go with me. Besides I wanted it to be a surprise." She looked at her as one of her hands now went through her soft dark purple hair.

*The woman gave a hum as she leaned into her lover's touch.* "I see..."

"But I think this will be the last time I do this." She gave a huff as she kissed her cheek before moving to the other. Her other hand left the cat's head to gently brush along her jawline giving her more affection.

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