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He took his hand close to him as he pulled him gentle out of the room. With alchemy he closed the door leading his lover to the living room with the twins.

Dabi's tail swayed a bit as he followed Tomura down the hall. When they arrived at the living room, the twins looked at their fathers and smiled.

"Hi!" Tadashi beamed, his wings fluttering happily.

The man smiled at the boy. He walked over to them and kneeled down and sat on the red carpet with them. "Hello." He smiled as he opened his arms for the twins. "Come to Daddy."

Kazuki was the first to get up and run over, burying himself in Tomura's arms.

Tadashi soon followed, nuzzling his way into Tomura's hug.

He pulled both twins into his lap and kissed their foreheads. "Mhm, you're both so cute." He brushed with his arms over their backs.

Tadashi nuzzled into his chest, giggling.

Kazuki smiled a little as he hugged Tomura the best he could with his smaller arms.

The alchemist couldn't help but smile at the two boys. "Adorable." He whispered as he kissed each's forehead. Looking then up to his mate again.

Dabi smiled softly as he sat down beside him, kissing his cheek softly.

He looked at the man giggling almost silently "Are you hungry love? The stew should be ready in no time." He returned the soft kiss he was given while gently rocking the two boys on his lap.

The dragon hummed as he adjusted himself, wrapping his wing around Tomura and his sons, "Alright. I'll clean up after dinner, all right?"

"Sounds good to me." He turned his head to the two half-breeds in his lap. "Are you hungry boys?"

Tadashi looked at him and nodded, Kazuki soon following.

"Okay, let's go in have dinner then." He set the boys down in their feet smiling. He tried his best to be positive, not worrying the twins about their older sister. Even if it broke his heart. He stood up and took Dabi's hand to help him up and then go to the kitchen and dining table.

The twins followed after their parents, completely oblivious to the dangers their sister was in.

The alchemist set the table as he brought the stew into the room. He helped the twins get seated as he filled up their bowls. "So how big is your hunger?" He asked each boy before filling the bowl accordingly.

"Big!" Tadashi giggled as Kazuki made his way over to Shigaraki, laying his head against his hip.

The man let the bowl float up after filling Tadashi's bowl. He looked to his side and picked up the other twin, placing him against his chest. "Tired?" He asked as he brushed through his hair walking to his seat.

Kazuki shrugged but did not hesitate in snuggling up to Shigaraki, resting his head against his chest.

Tadashi scrambled up into the chair, watching the bowl place itself gently on the table. He stared at it for a minute before looking at Shigaraki. "Daddy," he asked, "Will I get super powers like you? They're so cool!"

The man first kissed the boy forehead before turning to the other. "But you already have some cool super powers." He used his free hand to gently tap his horns. "I like them." He smiled at him.

"I know, but I want your powers!" Tadashi pouted, "Daddy's powers are so much cooler...I wanna be like Daddy!"

He gave a short chuckle. "Well you just might~" he gently poked the tip of his nose giving an airy smile. He then placed the other dragon twin on his seat. "How much for you?" He asked kissing his head.

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