Gore, I guess

Haruka's eyes widened as he saw the man on the ground. Within seconds all his brain's alarms were ringing. He knew that the man was dead. 'Shit...wait Shira..' he turned his head back to his sister as he started shaking her trying to get her attention. "Shira...Shira!" he spoke loudly but nobody could really heard it through the loud growling and screaming of the two dragon's.

As the woman showed no reaction to his shaking nor screaming tears formed in his eyes. 'Fuck...fuck!' he yelled at himself in his mind. But then he remembered the tied up alchemist in the basement. He gave a growl as he teleported over there with the dead bodies of the leader and his dear sister.

Tomura looked up as he saw that. He would be lying if he said seeing the old man dead didn't give him some twisted satisfaction. His crimson eyes then wandered to the man who held a burned up woman in his arms. Judging from her empty eyes and the lack of motion in her chest area he guessed the woman was dead.

The man went to the table and pulled out a bigger knife from a drawer. He turned to the alchemist in the corner as he gave a growl. With fast steps he was in front of Tomura and asked coldly "You can resurrect people, right?"

The man stayed silent. He could already guess what he wanted. His eyes looked up to him but he only met cold magenta eyes.

The man crouched down to him. "Since that dragon of yours decided to take the one thing that mattered the most to me. How about I take what matters the most to that monster?" he brought the knife to Tomura's throat.

The man stared at the blade as cold sweat ran down his forehead. As he looked at the man again he was now completely sure that he was serious, dead serious. And that he also had no problem killing him and their unborn child. "I-I don't have any alchemy." he muttered stumbling at the start of his sentence.

"I am sure you do after the dragon killed Arestimatius." he brought the knife even closer and the sharp object started breaking his skin.

The man swallowed as he looked at him. "I..I can't perform the ritual like that." he stated as now the only thing on his mind was his child's safety. 

 The man removed most of the chains as he harshly brought him to his feet. The cold blade was still at his throat "No funny business or you can say bye bye to the child immediately." he stated and got a small nod as response.

*It didn't take Dabi long to successfully kill off the palisman as well as her owner. The black dragon looked around the area, trying to think of the most likely place for the council to take Tomura. He closed his eyes and tried to focus. Somewhere off in the distance, he felt two beacons of alchemy. One was weaker than the others was.* -Tomura.- *Dabi's mind went instantly to his mate. Not wasting another second, Dabi bolted into the air. The location wasn't far, so it shouldn't take him long.* -Hang tight, Tomu...-

The man had drawn the symbols on the ground and had dropped some of his blood over the two bodies. The man was watched by the council member the entire time. He gave a small gulp as he started the spell. Since he had perfected it multiple times red lightning was coming out of the tips of his fingers. He continued with the lighting getting stronger with every second.

Haruka stood next to him with the knife already digging through the man's clothes. A second later the blade touched the alchemist's stomach.

Tomura wanted to back away or fight back but he knew that the man would be faster. He gave a small sigh as he looked at his hands with red lightning. He breathed in as he pointed at the two bodies letting the lightning escape from his hands.

*When Dabi arrived to the building, he immediately found an open window.* -Why in the hell would you leave a window open?!- *He flew in, transforming back into his human form right as he landed in the darkness.* -You'd let an enemy in~- *As Dabi wandered the dark staircase down, he heard Haruka's voice shouting angry threats at who assumed was Tomura. When the two finally came into view, anger courses through the dragon's veins. Especially since the alchemist was holding a knife to his mate's stomach. Quietly, Dabi stalked over to the two alchemists, hovering behind Haruka when he arrived. In a swift movement, he grabbed the opposing alchemist's wrist and yanked the knife-holding hand back. Dabi then pierced about a 1/4 inch into Haruka's neck.* "I wouldn't suggest fighting." *He spoke coldly.*

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