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Akira watched Zatsu and Soren. It was nothing unusual for her. But she was still glad that the entire process was working well and the little guy is still alive. Even if Zatsu has always sort if a panic attack when she has to do something. But now both were on the floor with some toys.

*The alchemist grabbed one of the stuffed animals and offered it to Soren.* "Look!" *She smiled when he reached for it.*

Akira gave a small look as she looked up from her note book. "He is indeed making already big steps in such places." She hummed as she wrote something down as she watched her finacée. The house was now way livelier with the small Soren. Be it in the middle of the night or early in the day.

*Zatsu glanced at Akira and nodded. She handed the toy to Soren. The woman watched as the child sort of bite on the toy or hit it against the floor. She giggled.* "Careful now. We don't want to ruin it!"

"I doubt he can understand that the toy can break. You just have to take it out of his field of vision and he thinks it's gone." She mumbled as she had laid her notebook down.

*The woman huffed and moved Soren to her lap, watching him blink in confusion before going back to the toy.* "Why are you so grouchy?"

"I am just explaining." She hummed as she stood up. "You want tea?" She asked as she readjusted her outfit.

"Sure." *Zatsu shrugged softly.*

She gave a small hum as well as nodded as she left the room to make some chamomile tea. That tea in combination with some of her weaker stuff was the only thing keeping her calm when the infant would start screaming in the night for no apparent reason. She set the kettle and went through the jars to find the right one with her secret stuff.

*The other alchemist hummed softly as she watched Soren play, joining him every now and then. She was glad that the child had lived for this long and seemed to be perfectly fine and healthy. It was a relief to her honestly.*

After a small while the other alchemist came back with two mugs. She sat down next to Zatsu to hand her her cup after she took a sip of her own. 'Yeah...that good stuff..' she gave her a smile.

*Zatsu murmured a soft "Thank you" as she took her cup and sipped it. She hummed softly as she set the mug out of reach from the little one.*

The other woman just held onto it as she looked over to her and Soren laying on his blanket on the floor. "So what do you think we can do today? He should have his noon slumber soon."

*Zatsu hummed.* "I'm not sure." *She looked at her fiancé.* "You have any ideas?"

"Me neither, but Soren still needs supervision. So we can't really leave." She hummed as she looked at the small boy playing with some of the bells which where above him.

"True." *The woman sighed. She looked over at the infant and gave him a small smile.*

"But that doesn't seem like a problem to you." She gave a small yawn as she scooted closer to her to rest her head on Zatsu's shoulder.

*Zatsu looked at her fiancé. She smiled and kissed her forehead softly, gently taking her hand.* "Well, I did grow up taking care of my little sister. So I wouldn't expect it to be an issue."

"Well I don't mind it.." she muttered as her head moved on to rest in her lap. She liked being there the most. It was warm and comfortable. Her cup now laid next to Zatsu but still out of reach for the small boy who still can't properly crawl.

*The alchemist gently ran her hands through her fiancé's hair, humming softly* "You know, you're so sweet. So kind and caring, at least when you want to be." *She giggled softly.* "Honestly, it's quite adorable."

"Mhm... whatever." She muttered as she looked at her. She decided not to think about it but she liked the thought.

*Zatsu smiled a little more as she played with Akira's hair. Every now and then she whispered compliments and loving words to her as she played with her hair.*

The woman couldn't hide her smile now as she looked up to her. She lifted up her body after a few seconds to kiss the woman gently. "I love you."

*The alchemist hummed softly as she smiled back.* "I love you too~"

She gave a smile as she scooted behind the woman to now get a better look on Soren as she was hugging onto her from behind.

*Zatsu looked back at her. She smiled and leaned back slightly, closing her eyes.* "You're surprisingly comfortable..."

"Huh..." She mumbled as she gave her a small kiss. Her eyes, on the other hand, watched the small Soren who tried to now reach for Zatsu.

*The alchemist looked over at the infant when he started to make small whining noises. She sighed and smiled softly, reaching over and picking him up.* "What, Gremlin?"

"Isn't that supposed to be my line?" Akira gave a small giggle as she kissed her neck gently.

The boy gave a small laugh as he was picked up and kicked with his small marshmallow legs.

*Zatsu hummed.* "You steal my shit all the time. It's about time you got some payback." *She answered smugly.*

"Mhm. Well perhaps. I stole quite some shit from you." She kissed her again.

Soren gave some sort of happy noise as Zatsu gently bounced him.

*The indigo haired woman smiled and nuzzled her cheek.* "You are quite the thief, aren't you?~"

"I am. I stole so much shit from you, you wouldn't believe it." She chuckled as she gave her a bunch of small kisses.

*Zatsu giggled as she was kissed.* " 'kira!" *She laughed.* "That tickles, you brat!"

The woman gave a chuckle giggle mix as she continued while she held onto the woman. "That's the plan."

*The alchemist looked at her lover and smiled. She lightly pecked her lips as she hummed and smiled.*

She gave a hum as she kissed her cheek. "Well what to do with him?" She asked as the small boy was still in Zatsu's hands.

*Zatsu looked down at Soren.* "I guess we can lay him down."

"Alright. But he seems to like it." She looked at the small boy as he was still slightly giggling by the woman bouncing him in the air.

*The alchemist looked at him. She smiled and sighed.* "I guess I'll hold him for a bit longer." *She hummed.*

Akira looked at both of them as she watched Zatsu pull the small boy to her chest, gently rocking him. She gave a low smile as she kissed her again.

*Zatsu nuzzled the Soren's cheek, kissing his forehead after doing so.*

The small boy seemed to have calmed down as he was now resting against her chest. Akira watched both for a while as they calmly relaxed before she hummed "You think we should bring him to bed?"

*The alchemist looked at her after a moment and nodded.* "Yeah."

She gave a hum as she let go of the woman so that she could move freely. She stood up as well and went to grab her notebook "I'll be in the lab if you need me." She muttered as she left the room with both her cup and notebook.

*Zatsu watched her fiancé leave. She sighed and carefully stood up as she held the infant. She then took him up to his room and gently laid him down in his bed.* 

1301 words 

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