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"Great." she muttered as she kissed her neck again while green mist surrounded them. A second later they were in front of Okama's house and Akira let go of her and pounded against the door violently.

Tomura starred at the door. It felt like his whole view of the world crashed for a second. Then he jumped up as he saw the syringe on the tray and smashed it on the ground. He looked around to the window as he hurried over to it. He tried to open it but it was locked and made harder and stronger through alchemy. He felt hot tears in his eyes as he stomped around the room just throwing stuff around hoping he might find something. Anything to defend himself with something or something that might help him escape.

*Zatsu waited a decent bit away from Akira. Okama answered a moment later and tilted her head in confusion.* "Hello Akira?"

*Alatus made his way to the woman from before, who was cooking.* "We need to kill that child." *He hissed darkly.* "She's part dragon."

*The woman almost dropped her cooking utensil. She whipped around and stared at Alatus.* -Kill...the child?-

"Find a way to kill it." *He sneered.* "I'm leaving it up to you, Yamae. Do not disappoint me."

"O-Of course, Alatus." *The woman named Yamae nodded quickly.*

Another woman next to her with a breathing device around her neck and a prosthetic leg muttered something "How horrible. Poor boy." as she took over the stove lightly pushing Yamae away.

Tomura jumped up and down in the room feeling the adrenaline rush through his veins as well as tears rolling down his eyes. 'This can't be happening? Right?! This is all a nightmare!'

Akira yelled "Get your ass here! It's important!" she kicked the door.

*Okama flinched. She came outside.* "What's going on?"

*Zatsu sighed and bowed to her.* "I apologize for the sudden urgency. But-" *She got cut off by Akira's voice, explaining the situation.*

*Yamae sighed softly. She shook her head and muttered under her breath.* "I can't do that...It's just an infant! They haven't done anything wrong."

"You have to, what else are you going to do?" The woman continued without looking up. "The sooner you get it over with the better." she mumbled as she cut some herbs.

Akira explained the situation pretty fats and quick. "So that's why we need to know where Alatus is?" she suggested with her hands on the ground as in 'right now'.

Tomura had ripped the table apart and was now holding the broken chair leg with was a sharp end due to him breaking it that way. It was the only weapon he had right now. So he prepared for whatever passes through that door to bonk it.

"Well it's still a child! A harmless, defenseless baby who did nothing wrong!" *She looked at the other woman.* "If anything, it's their parents that should be punished!"

*Okama stared at her. She gave a swift nod as she went back inside. A few moments later, she returned with a Phoenix on her shoulder.* "This is...well was one of his creatures. We managed to rehabilitate it and resurrect her. If her memories are still in take, then she should be able to guide you to his hideout." *She looked at the two.* "But I beg of you, that man is cruel and heartless. If you leave now and continue on with now breaks, you should make it by tomorrow afternoon. If Dabi comes along, then possibly tomorrow morning."

*Zatsu shifted her gaze to Akira.* "I say we get Dabi. It'll be dangerous bringing him along, but we could also use him as a scout. Or a silent search and rescue with a simple invisibility curse. Of course, that's if you want to blow the place up."

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