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Exclusively Lesbianism
Also Spicy spicy

*The alchemist nodded. Once her fiancé disappeared, Zatsu felt her pocket for the paper. She gave a sigh of relief when she felt it was still there. The woman then turned to her palisman.* "What do you think?" *She hummed as she pulled the paper out just enough for the feline to see.* "Wanna go figure out what the hell this is?"

The cat gave a low meow. But he stayed with the woman nevertheless having only light interest in the paper since he could neither see nor read.

The woman knew that the test tube was stolen around the time Dabi was at her house. So the best guess would be that he took it as some sort of gift. She seriously doubt that he would know the actual potential of it. To speak the truth she had lied to the woman. The crystals in the blossoms could help make artificial souls, but she knew that the woman wouldn't be able to do anything with this knowledge. The crystal would be used as a catalysator to keep the soul, Tomura had one implanted in his chest near his heart.

*The alchemist smiled. She slipped on her golden guard cape and mask before leaving the room. Her room was quite the walk from hers and Akira's shared room; but, once she found out what the was, she knew it would all be worth it. When she arrived to her old room, she stepped into the room and pulled her mask off her face.* "Alright," *She said as she pulled the paper out and unfolded it, laying it down across the table.* "Now. What are you?"

The paper had a long instruction list with multiple notes written at the side of it. They were explaining certain processes and making sure to warn the user about certain things. Overall the spell paper made it very clear that the strict instruction needed to be followed and that it was complicated. One thing that stood out was that one had to put a pink crystal born from a wild Sumeraya cherry tree that had to be put in the lightly boiling liquid. A few words after should be said, and then wait until the liquid clears up and the crystals glows. It also mentioned that if desired, multiple crystals with the same amount of liquid can be made. One should just make sure that the crystals are equally covered in it and that the liquid is as clear as filtered water in the end.

*Zatsu blinked as she read the paper.* "What...is this?" *She asked herself as she flipped the paper onto the back, hoping to get a real idea of what she was getting herself into.*

On the back was just a surprisingly neat sketch of how the test tubes, glasses, tubes and boiler should be arranged and in which comes which. There were the notes also as guidance everywhere again.

*The woman hummed as she examined it.* "I wonder..." *She muttered as she set the paper down once again.* -Is this how she made Tomura? Could one do that again?-
As she continued to inspect the paper it didn't tell anything about it. Though she knew that if she tried to she most likely would need a body, since then she'd only have some charged up crystal. But the paper never specified what kind of body nor the age or state it was in. She guessed that it stood in another paper in the book. "I told her I wouldn't go back..." *She whispered to herself as she folded her arms over her chest. But now she was curious yet excited nonetheless. Here laying in front of her was a way to create life on the contrary of the whole pregnancy and labor. As her thoughts began to wander around her mind, Zatsu sat down in her chair and hummed.*

Hoshi jumped up on her lap to rest in it. The cat of course didn't understand anything but he was happy to get a bit of attention.

Akira, on the other hand, was banging against Shoto's room door "Shoto!! Your ass better be here!" she was already pissed enough of the test tube being missing but on top of that the nasty black dragon wasn't there.

*Zatsu's eyes were glued to the ground as she made careful strokes along her palisman's back. After a while of silence and thinking, the woman's eyes went wide for a second.* -It could be a child.- *She thought.* -Of course, this would have to be later on when I can go into that room again. But it's certainly worth a try.-

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