Tomura felt himself wake up. He did not know what time it was or why it happened. All he knew was that there was an uncomfortable feeling in his stomach. '..maybe I need to puke?...No...that's not that feeling...' he tried to turn his head but couldn't due to the dragon's tight embrace.

*Dabi groaned softly as his tail held a tighter grip.*

The man almost gave a sigh but stopped himself as he felt that sick. A cold shiver went down his spine as he thought someone touched his back for a split second. He looked around with his eyes now searching for something for anything. Because if he knew something then that was to always trust his guts.

*The dragon didn't move from his spot beside Tomura.*

Tomura tried to move again, this time slowly as if he was sleeping. His eyes tried to see as much as possible. 'I'm not crazy...I'm not crazy...I'm not crazy..' he thought as the uncomfortable feeling grew.

*Dabi's tail loosened it's grip as Tomura moved around. Dabi's hand still rested on his mate's stomach bulge, but fell off when he moved away from him.*

The man turned but unable to see anyone, but he still felt it. That feeling that he was sort of not alone. Maybe is was just telling him that in the next time something will happen, but even if so. It was bad. He completely slipped out of Dabi's embrace as he sat up slowly trying to figure out what was going on.

*Everything in the room was completely still and silent.*

Tomura turned his head. 'I'll go to the bathroom...maybe I am just sick...' he thought as he slid off the bed to make his way over as silently as possible over to the bathroom.

*Dabi turned over in the bed but remained asleep.*

The alchemist entered the bathroom and turned around for a second. 'Nothing...' he felt like he was going crazy with his paranoia. His crimson slightly glowing eyes looked around but they found nothing. He looked around and stepped further into the room. The feeling didn't leave and at this point he started to slightly panic because of the uneasiness combined with the fact that there was nothing.

*Outside the ground was covered in snow. Everything seemed so still and silent now.*

The man turned his head quite frequently. This quietness, this silent didn't fit his feeling. His feeling was telling him that there was danger. Somewhere somehow. But he still had no clue what he should be afraid of. He felt no presence around here that was unknown and even with his night vision he saw nothing alarming. But he knew there was something, in some kind of sick way his blood was running through his veins at high speed.

*Dabi groaned softly. He rubbed his eyes a little bit as he rolled into his back and took the point to where he was facing the ceiling.*

Tomura felt as if something cold grazed along his back. He turned now sort of mad. He didn't want to yell but he let out an angry huff. He did not know what to do but his veins had already widened as he looked around with his eyes turning around himself.

*The dragon eventually sat up and looked around.* "Tomura?" *He called barely above a whisper.*

The man didn't hear him as he turned to the mirror. He saw no one. It made him even more uneasy as he was sure that a cold hand brushed along his side this time.

*Dabi rubbed his eyes as he got up. He looked around the room for a minute before walking over and flipping the light on.*

Tomura hear the noise but at that moment he felt something poke his back. It was something sharp as he wanted to turn yell or do anything he lost his voice. At that moment the room lighting got normal again. 'Wait.. what.' he wanted to kick around himself but was somehow lifted up in a weird way. It didn't feel like alchemy nor human arms. As he wanted to scream or fight back his limbs where fixated and something like a robe was around his neck, closing his air ways.

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