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"Of course love. I am also pretty tired." She whispered as she stood up and started to brush the water of her limbs.

*The darker haired alchemist stood up herself, casting a soft purple mist to help her to stand. Even though the pain was numbed, it was still difficult to stand automatically. So, she waited a few moments before teleporting two towels into her hand. She handed one of them to Akira before wrapping one around her chest.*

The woman took it giving a soft thanks as she placed it over her shoulders. She then placed one of her legs on the edge and brushed the water off of it, then she stepped out and did the same with the other leg before drying herself of with the towel.

*Zatsu used the towel to dry off her waist and up before stepping out of the tub. There, she dried off her legs and the floor where the water was.*

Akira grabbed another towel with which she dried her hair by rubbing it and then putting it up. The towel which was her body towel was now on the floor as she used her foot to clean up the water mess and then stand on the towel as she staid there for a second before she went to the mirror to inspect herself.

*The alchemist watched her stand there for a moment before walking over and snaking her arms around her waist.* "Would you like me to grab you some night clothes?" *Zatsu asked softly as she rested her chin on Akira's shoulder.*

"Yeah, that'll be amazing." she turned her head to give the woman a soft kiss. "Just don't forget to dry your hair, alright?" she kissed her again as one of her hands was going through her wet hair.

*Zatsu snickered and nodded. She walked out of the bathroom, casting a simple warming spell on her hair as she searched for clothing. For Akira, she chose a simple dark indigo button up and looser dark pants. For herself, she chose a light gray button up and looser black pants. After gathering the undergarments, Zatsu shook her head to clear the spell and walked back into the bathroom.* "Here you go, Princess." *She handed her mate the clothes she had picked out for her.*

"Thanks love." Akira took them and slipped them on in a matter of seconds. She then took her girlfriend by her waist and lifted her up. "Let's get to bed and cuddle." she hummed as she kissed her with a smile on her face.

*The alchemist yelped in surprise and gripped Akira's shoulders. She looked at her lover and sighed with a smile as she gave her a soft nod.* "That sounds amazing~"

The woman carried them both to the bed as the door closed behind them. She then walked over to it and the box slid under the bed by itself again. She laid the woman down on the bed and crawled onto it pushing her a bit to the side as she now cuddled onto her as the blanket put itself over them.

*Zatsu felt herself smile as Akira cuddled up with her. She snaked her arms around her waist gently, massaging the bone carefully.* "I love you~" *She whispered.*

She kissed her forehead softly. "I love you too Zat'. You can rest now, I'll watch over you." she kissed the other's cheek gently with her dry lips.

*The alchemist nodded softly as she nuzzled her way into the other's chest.* "You'll rest too, right?"

"Yeah, I'll try my best." she kissed her head as she rested her own on a pillow. The warmth of Zatsu really made this a nice experience as always.

"Good. You deserve a good nights sleep." *Zatsu mumbled through another yawn. She allowed herself to close her eyes as her body relaxed against Akira's.* "Good night, 'kira..."

The woman smiled "Good night Zatsu..love you." she gave a small yawn as she spoke. She then closed her eyes and waited until her partner's breathing was stable and even. She listened to her breathing in such a calm rhythm that she fell asleep a small while later.

Bound by Fate (Shigadabi)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang