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Akira held Soren's hand as she casted a spell on it. She was continuing her experiments and testing with the young boy. After a small while she let go and hummed "You can leave. We're done for the day."

*Soren looked at his hands and then Akira. He carefully slipped away, now standing in front of her.* "Thank you..."

"No problem." she answered as she turned back to her notebook and wrote down some stuff. "When you see Zat', you can tell her to come to my office." she muttered as she wrote something on another piece of paper.

*Soren nodded. He left her lab silently and went to retrieve his mother.*

The woman looked up as the door closed before she gave a sigh. 'God damn...this is harder and easier than I first thought...I will have to test a theory or two though.' she leaned back in her chair and looked up. Her fingers played with themselves as she was in thought, waiting for Zatsu.

*Soon, the alchemist's wife entered. She walked over to her.* "You needed me?"

"Yeah. I do have a few questions about Soren." She leaned back forward.

"Which languages can he read or speak?"

*Zatsu shrugged.* "He can speak English and perfectly understand the ruins and language my master taught me." *She tilted her head curiously.* "Why?"

"I want to test something regarding the soul inside him. Therefore, I need to know what he can and can't do. Now what language did your Master teach you? The ancient one? And how long took it for him to learn it?" She explained as her smaragdine eyes focused on the woman.

*Zatsu sighed.* "Yes, the ancient one. He knows pretty much all of it—he has been learning it since he could speak. When you were gone, I spoke in the ancient language often. I guess he picked it up and got curious."

"Anything else he can do especially good?" She asked as she wrote down a couple of things. "And how long took it to get him to speak it perfectly."

"It took him 3 years to be fluent." *Zatsu crossed her arms.* "And he can read, write, and talk well. He doesn't like "playing", though he never really has. And he's curious about everything—which explains why he ran away all that while ago."

"Mhm..." She looked over to her wife. "Did you notice the change of his aura as well?" She asked examining her now.

"No, not particularly."

"Alright...well I did notice it. Might be just a bit, but it is definitely there. So since I or better you didn't filter the souls we do not know what's inside him." She stood up. "That's why I need to figure that out, in the worst case scenario he could turn against us. Or regain memories of his past life since there was no other soul inside him." She explained. "I am not sure what to think since he never had that fire I would connect it to the past human inside of him."

"Akira, for the last time," *Zatsu sighed.* "There is no human soul inside him. It's an artificial one I made, just like Hoshi's. He was never alive. He might be experiencing these things because all he truly is is a combination of our magic and that spell."

*The brunette stood in front of the door. He had gotten curious about why his parents had been getting secretive all of a sudden. Now, he wished he wasn't. Slowly, he quietly shut the door and stared at it, bewildered.*

"Well, I thought you just made an artificial body. The soul to put in the body is rather human. It's sort if like Tomura, but even with him I fucked around enough so that his soul is artificial. You have no idea how to do something like that. You could barely perform the ritual." She continued but shut up a second later. She felt it again, his aura. The woman speeded towards the door and swung it open, spotting the boy before it immediately.

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