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Exclusively Lesbianism

Akira helped Zatsu on her feet as the physical exam was over. Zatsu and her will stay here for the day, and they may be able to leave tomorrow if everything goes well. The black haired woman only needed a bit of support from her girlfriend as she  was already doing pretty good for herself.

Hoshi was following them around while meowing happily every time they made it around a corner of the house.

*Zatsu, personally, was glad she could be walking around with her. Even if she had to support her, she was just glad she wasn't sitting or trapped in the room again. It felt good to her for her to move around.*

"What do you want to eat?" The woman asked her as she sat her down on a stool in the kitchen.

Hoshi meowed as he was picked up and brought to Zatsu's lap.

*The darker haired alchemist gently ran her hand across her palisman's back.* "Mmm~ Surprise me. I don't exactly care." *She hummed with a soft shrug.*

"Mhm, alright." She spoke."How hungry are you right now?" She asked as she started to get some knives, bowls and other essential stuff.

*Zatsu gave a shrug.* "Not starving, so kind of in the middle. If you make enough, you can eat some too."

"I know. Okay." She put some flour in the bowl along some eggs and milk. "You like pancakes?"

"Pancakes sound good." *The alchemist hummed with a smile.*

The woman gave a sigh as she started making them. She put in some extra sugar and vanilla extract because young Tomura loved them that way. She continued cooking while Zatsu watched, making small talk with the woman. After a while, she was finished and piled them up to add some mable syrup. She had two plates as she turned to her lover as the dishes started washing themselves. She placed the plate down along the fitting utensils. "Here, enjoy~"

*The darker haired woman leaned over and kissed her lover's cheek when she placed the plate down.* "Thank you, Love~ They smell delicious~" *She purred as she pulled back and took a bite of the pancakes.*

She placed her own plate down as she started eating as well. The pancakes may have been a little bit too sweet for her but she didn't mind.

*Zatsu smiled a little. She enjoyed how fluffy and sweet they were; much better than when she had attempted to make pancakes before. Since then she vowed to never make breakfast food again and instead stuck to dinner foods. But these were amazing. Tearing a piece off, she handed the smaller portion to her palisman.*

The cat first gave it a little suspicious look as the last pancakes he was given were horrible. After he sniffed at the piece, he slowly licked and ate it. After a few seconds, he let out a purr as he nudged the hand, wanting more of the delicious food.

"So I guess Hoshi is able to eat any human food?" She asked as she took another bite. She had to say the man sure had a good mable syrup. "Yep."

*Zatsu nodded as she tore another piece off to feed to her palisman.* "His body is created by magic, my magic specifically. So he may look like any other house cat, but he can eat and do whatever he wants. That's also why when he gets injured, his injuries affect me."

"I already thought there was something suspicious with that cat." She said. "Are you two connected in any further ways?" She asked as she looked at the palisman.

*The alchemist hummed.* "Other than magic, it's possible, but it's been so long that I hardly even remember."

"Mhm, let's see~" she took a bigger piece of her pancake and lured the cat to her. Meanwhile the wings over her ears flapped a bit, slowly.

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