The Campfire Song

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"Now there's something you need to know first." Saber began as she slotted in the recording crystal in her hand.

"Demigods. Demigods for your information, are the children of gods with mortals. These children of the gods have extraordinary abilities inherited from their godly parent, and are often tasked on quests of epic proportions" King explained.

"At least according to the guys."

"So they're like huntsmen but more godly?" Ruby asked.

"Sorta. Of course, the demigods of the modern day no longer go on quests of epic proportions... Until recently at least... But you're not here to hear about that." Saber said with a bit of thought.

"Well that's boring." Nora groaned.

"So what exactly will we be watching from them." Winter asked.

"You might think this will be boring, Nora. But trust me, these demigods are anything but boring. Shall we?" Saber said with a glint in her eyes.

Then the screen came to life...

"Come on, grab some ambrosia and let the nectar flow." A hand passes a cup to the other, as the camera pans to reveal Cinder and Ruby wearing CHB t-shirts.

"Why are they scrapping part of their plate into the fire?" Jaune raised an eyebrow.

"Wait for it." Saber waved him off.

"Why is is everybody scrapping part of their plate into the fire?" Ruby asked, as she watched another camper do it.

"Offering to the gods. Its not enough that they're omnipotent, they have to feel appreciated." Cinder answered, rolling her eyes.

"Ooohh..." Jaune said sheepishly.

"Come to think of it, wasn't there supposed to be a quiz about Remnant's old religions?" Weiss suddenly said.

"Wait what!?" Every student suddenly snapped their heads.

"Can't we just ask Saber that? Maybe she knows stuff if we give her an offering." Ruby whispered.

"Unfortunately, I don't take burnt beef. As a goddess, I only accept offerings in cash. Much more efficient." Saber said offhandedly with a smirk.

"I can't believe your selling some weird ripoff of indulgence, right now..." King muttered.

Cinder stands up in the middle of the dining pavilion amidst all the other campers.

"To the gods!" She said raising her cup in the air.

"To the gods!" Everyone cheered, as the music started playing.

Cinder then began to sing...

Oh, things couldn't be worse
When your parents run the,

"Yikes..." Qrow cringed realizing where this is going.

Soon the others began joining Cinder...

Oh, things couldn't be worse
When your folks run the, Universe

Cinder turned to Ruby, before continuing to sing

My dad is Hermes, he messengers things
You'll know his sign by those shoes with those wings

I'd wait by the phone

A flashback of a young Cinder huddled up against a closet is shown as she looked towards the silhouette of a woman.

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