Blackrock & Roll

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[A/N: Heads up, I won't necessarily be following what's on the video because it would take way too long. And wind up getting a bit boring... So yeah]

"Alright ladies and gentlemen let's jump right in there" Saber says as she unpauses the video.

20 minutes later at the Blackrock Clan village...

Jaune approaches Port while overlooking the encampment.

"Ah, good timing lad, I sent two of my best knights in to parley with the orc leader. They should be returning shortly" Port turns to face Jaune.

The pair are quickly startled as two horses run in front of them and into the camp.

"So much for that..." Roman remarks snidely.

"Well, they're screwed..." Mercury says leaning into his seat.

"Damn. These orcs will never surrender." Port says with dismay.

"Then let's  get in there and destroy the beasts!" Jaune argues.

"Yeah! Kick their asses!" Nora exclaims.

"Nora, they can't just charge blindly without a plan" Ren says, rubbing his hands together.

"Not everything is solved by recklessly charging into the fray, Ms. Valkyrie" Glynda tells the overexcited girl.

"Boo!" Nora complains, while pouting.

"Remember Jaune, we are paladins. Vengeance cannot be a part of what we must do. If we allow our passion to turn into bloodlust, then we will become just as vile as the orcs." Port chastises the young prince.

"Yes, Port" Jaune concedes.

"Now if you're feeling up to it, I want you to lead the attack." Port tells him.

"Me? Well, Of course" Jaune says accepting the command.

"I'll remain here, and ensure that the loathsome beasts do not threaten our camp." Port says.

"I won't fail you." Jaune assures him, before turning his attention towards the rest of the camp.

"I know you won't, lad" Port says to him.

Jaune immediately turns orders the workers to get to work on the farms for the camp.

"Yes, milord" the peasant says

"Right away" another says.

"Farms? Why farms?" Ironwood looks at the screen perplexed.

"Well, you might not be aware of this. But regular HUMAN soldiers need to eat, James" Summer rolls her eyes at the general.

The workers in the town hall immediately get to work being split into the gold mine and the lumber yard.

While the workers are busy gathering resources to build a barracks, Jaune opts to scout ahead.

Meeting a group of dwarves on the way, the two gladly welcome him,

"Well met, young human. Have you come to join our hunt?" The dwarf with the orange bead asks.

"What are you dwarves hunting in this region?" Jaune asks curious.

"Are dwarves their allies?" Winter asks, looking at their host.

"Yes, the dwarves are also part of the alliance of Lordaeron. And they provide quite the arsenal to the alliance." Saber says.

"We're hunting black drakes. It is said that drake's blood can bestow fiery enchantments upon weapons." The dwarf informs him.

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