Gundam Seed: Freedom First Launch

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"Okay, so this next one is tiny bit different. Because, we'll be watching a personal favorite of mine." Saber said, pulling a magenta crystal from the void.

"What'll we be watching anyways?" Roman asked, bored as hell.

"Wanna watch giant robots?" Saber raised an eyebrow at the kids.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Ruby yelled, jumping up and down.

"Ruby, calm down! We don't even know what its about yet." Weiss said trying to calm the excitable girl down.

"But Renny! Giant robots!" Nora whined, while Ren tried to hold her down.

"Nora, put the chair down. Very carefully..." Ren tried to reason with his partner.

"See? This is why we don't just randomly announce to people about showing giant robots." King pointed out, dodging a chair.

"Okay! Calm down you two. We'll begin now, yeah?" Saber said freezing the two overexcited teenagers and placing them back in their seats.

"See, simple as that. Now as I was saying..." Saber unfroze them.

"Okay, so what you'll be viewing is the Alliance-PLANT War, fought between the Naturals of Earth and the Coordinators of the PLANTS." Saber explains.

"Coordinators? Naturals? The heck?" Qrow squinted his eyes.

"Well okay, so. The Naturals are basically just your average human hence the term. Coordinators on the other hand, are genetically enhanced humans with better everything and are virtually immune to diseases. And boy are they both racist." Saber explained.

"Aren't they both human? Why are they even racist?" Blake asked a bit put off.

"Because the Naturals have an inferiority complex, so they cope real hard by being racist. And the Coordinators think the Naturals are just subhuman trash and are all around arrogant fucks... Yes I know its retarded." Saber continued.

"Now you'll be watching one of the most important events of the war, the Battle of JOSH-A in where the Freedom made its first appearance... And well, you'll just have to see for yourself." Saber finishes, loading up the screen.

Ruby and Weiss stood on the bridge in front of the stolen ZGMF-X10A Freedom.

"A Gundam!" Ruby exclaimed in astonishment.

"Ladies and Gentlemen the ZGMF-X10A Freedom. One of the most powerful mobile suits to exist in this universe." Saber explained.

"It looks so awesome! Is it mine!" Ruby exclaimed with glee.

"No fair! How come Ruby and Weiss gets giant robots but I don't." Nora sulked in her seat.

"Neither will alone... Nor strength alone... Will be enough. That's why. Will this take you where you wish to go? Will it help you when you get there?" Weiss asked the girl beside her.

"That's quite a philosophical question..." Weiss remarked.

"Doesn't make it any less true or valid." Ozpin answered.

"A question that will need personal reflection for us as well." Salem agreed.

The scene changes to Ruby's perspective inside the Freedom's cockpit. As the Freedom came to life, its once grey and bleak color changed to white and black as the wires keeping it stable detached.

"Woah! It changed color!" Jaune exclaimed, amazed at the sight.

"So cool..." Nora eyed the mobile suit.

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