I Favor the Villainess Ch.1

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"Like I said, Ms. Schnee no needs to know our little arrangement." Saber says, opening the door for the heiress.

"Gladly..." Weiss responds as she steps in to the theater with the goddess in tow.

"Bout time, you both showed up..." King remarked tossing a crystal recording to Saber, much to her displeasure.

"Revolution, huh? This should be fun." Saber said looking at King with a smirk.

"What're we watching this time?" Mercury groaned, bored out of his mind.

"Right, this one should be fun... But, I won't tell you cause." Saber chuckled, before turning her attention to the others in the theater.

"What you'll be watching this time is a bit different from the others, namely because its in first-person." Saber continued, which caught the attention of her audience.

"Any hints atleast?" Jaune tried, causing Saber to groan.

"Alright fine... Its got betrayal and its really; and I mean really, fuckin gay." Saber says, before activating the recording.

“Why is a lowly commoner trying to join her desk with mine, know your place!”

"Weiss?" Jaune asked confusion written in his face.

"Yep. Definitely Weiss, can't mistake that attitude." Blake deadpanned at the blonde knight.

"Hey! I'll have you know that, that isn't how I sound like." The girl in question protested.

"Yup, can't mistake it now..." Blake said sarcastically, ignoring the heiress.

When I came to my senses, I was suddenly in a situation I didn’t understand well.
A girl with white curls was staring in my direction with an irritated look in her eyes.

Okay, calm down, me.
There was no reason to panic.
Let’s confirm the situation calmly.

"Whelp. Hope you don't explode this time, sis." Yang joked, recognizing the girls voice.

"IT WAS ONE TIME!!" The pair in question protested.

"Wow, first day and someone already exploded? Impressive." Qrow said proudly.

"No it wasn't. It was frankly a mess..." Glynda sighed, glaring at Ozpin's disregard that day.

Looking around, what came into view was a room that looked like a high school classroom.
Compared to the high school I used to attend, with the small number of desks, it gave off a spacious impression.
There was a crowd that surrounded me and the girl with curls from a distance.

The problem was that every person who came into my sight, including the girl, was without a doubt, not Japanese.

"Why? Is she expecting that everyone she meets is Japanese? That's kinda racist." Roman quiped from his seat.

"No, you idiot she's clearly confused with her situation." Cinder sighed loudly.

"Still though, I wonder why she sounds so confused." Hazel said, earning a nod from Watts who was sitting next to him.

"Indeed. Its quite intriguing how out of it this apparent version of Ruby Rose is." Watts responded looking carefully at the screen.

Let’s leave the girl in front of me alone for now and trace my memory up until the current moment.
I worked for a smaller company and after doing a little bit of illegal overtime, if I remembered correctly, I was playing games at home.
The only source of entertainment for somebody as uninteresting as me were games.
I enjoyed almost everything as long as it could be called a game.
From board games, such as shogi and go, to MMOs with gorgeous 3D graphics.

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