Hell Loop

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"Right. Saber, welcome home..." King jokes plopping the crystal into the screen.

"Ahh. That one, fine go ahead..." Saber says reluctantly. To everyone watching her change in demeanor could only mean something bad.

'Her hesitance is showing. Yet, her mental resolve seems to be intact, perhaps I can learn something from this afterlife' Salem thinks silently tapping on her seat.

"If I may? You sound awfully disturbed and hesitant about hell, if you escaped why come back at all?" Ozpin asks looking at the recordings thumbnail.

"Because Roman's precious partner, got injected by a lethal poison who's creator resides currently in hell. Roman dies, gets the formula for the antidote, get the hell out of hell, and save Ruby Rose. Unfortunately, he got stuck in his own cell and I had to... Rescue him..." Saber says conjuring a glass of wine in front of her.

"Then why do you look so happy here?" Summer asked pertaining to the thumbnail of the recording.

"Its a trap, like it always has been..." Saber answered through gritted teeth.

"But you're a goddess. How could you have possibly fallen into a trap?" Raven asked skeptical of Saber's answer.

"If you could hold your daughter again, even knowing its just an illusion... You'd have done the same." Saber says pointedly at Raven.

"Regardless of my personal feelings for the place. Like I said its hell, it ain't going to go well, regardless of what you might hope... But since I'm somehow the expert of hell loops, I'll explain as we go." Saber says leveling her gaze to the screen.

The screen pops up to reveal...

Roman sobbing as he stabs Mercury with azrael's blade.

"I know. I know it hurts you more than it hurts me." Mercury deadpans at the sobbing Roman.

"What the-" Roman exclaims in confusion.

"I gut wound like that, should have killed him by now. Is it aura?" Hazel asked in confusion with a hint of fear.

"No. Its hell..." King responds matter-of-factly.

"That doesn't really explain anything-" Winter says before being cut off by the recording.

"I- please forgive me brother, I had no choice..." Roman tries to reason.

"Is this what it feels like to be cared for? Man, its gross" Mercury says. Although the curiosity for new techniques kept him interested in watching more.

"Do you really believe that?" Mercury asks him seriously. Making Roman shake his head in denial.

"No..." As an uncontrollable force pushes him to stab Mercury again.

"What!?" Everyone seemingly asked at the same time.

"What's going on? Why'd he suddenly stab him again after all that apologizing?" Summer asked with distress.

"Welcome to hell, sweetheart. The most efficient prison in the dimension unfortunately." Saber says her arms wide open.

"So what happens? How do people end up in hell and how are they tortured, I mean do they just stab a loved for eternity or what?" Qrow asks seriously.

"How do people end up in hell? Well their own guilt or those unredeemable ones the Silver City sends down. As for their punishments? Well that depends on the persons conscience." Saber answered.

"By our own conscience, you mean?" Raven asked a bit uncharacteristically unnerved.

"Yes. For example, Ozpin gets sent to hell, he'll relieve all his lifetimes as he leads his followers to their deaths in the hands of Salem. You can relieve it over and over again, make different choices, but it will always end in the deaths of all those people who chose to sacrifice themselves for your goals." Saber points out.

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