Ozpin I Enters the House of Commons

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Saber walks the halls of the manor before reaching the central stair case, she smirks and pulls out a mega phone from thin air and puffs out her chest.


Clatters all over the second floor could be heard throughout the mansion, as the people from Remnant hurry to get ready for the day.

Timeskip to after everyone has had their breakfast, and Salem has had her fill of souls or something...

Saber looks over at the screen while everyone starts taking their seats and getting comfortable.

"Okay, now that everyone has settled down. We can start watching the universe" Saber says while flipping through a box filled with crystals.

"So? What're we watching this time; awesome battles, romance, really cool weapons?" Nora says excitedly.

"No, nothing like that... I suppose" Saber says pulling out a shard from the box.

"Awww... So what are we watching?" Ruby interjects.

"We will be watching , King Ozpin I is all I can really say" Saber answers putting the shard in place.

"Again?" Qrow groans, taking a drink from under his seat.

"What will this one be about Ms. Saber?" Ozpin asks the woman.

"Oum, don't ask I barely know anything about this period" Saber sighs and goes back to her seat.

"Then what do you know?" Glynda asks their host.

"All I can tell you is Ozpin is about to do something stoopid" Saber says, before sitting down.

"Oh, so just normal then?" Salem says smirking at her husband.

"This... Can't be good..." Ozpin sighs and grabs some popcorn.

The screen flashes infront of them, revealing Roman Torchwick walking into the House of Commons, towards Qrow and a few members of parliament.

"The king is coming with a warrant for you, Raven Branwen, Jacque Schnee, Sir Arthur, and James Ironwood on the charge of high treason. I suggest you leave immediately" Roman warns before taking his seat from across the room.

"The fuck?"Qrow spits his drink out, and looks at the screen incredulously.

"Okay. Why am I working with these guys. And damn, you guys are hardcore, high treason really?" Roman gapes at the screen.

"With a fashion sense like that? Should be higher treason" Coco laughs, getting elbowed by Velvet.

"Coco don't be rude." Velvet chastises her leader.

"What? Those clothes are horrible" Coco defends, a few people seem to agree with her.

"The king is coming with a warrant for our arrest" Qrow leans towards Ironwood.


"I suggest we leave at once" Qrow says, before walking towards the door.

"Uncle Qrow, where are you going you can't run away! Your innocent" Ruby shouts at her uncle.

"Didn't peg you for someone who would run away. Qrow" Winter spats at Qrow.

"Whoah. Whoah. Whoah. That's not me I swear, I would never commit treason" Qrow defends himself.

"Yes, but I want to know why we are being accused of treason" Ironwood says and looks at Saber.

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