Born 2 Rule

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Saber pulls out a crystal from her pocket and silently slots it in.

"Okay, now that you've all calmed down now-" she begins, looking at Yang's taped mouth.

"You can begin watching again, yay!" Saber cheers monotonously.

"So... What cool stuff, we watching next Saber?" Sun asks.

"Its not necessarily cool, per-say. You'll be reacting to the Georgian Era monarchs. I'm witholding information for now. So best you all just watch" Saber informs.

"Well, okay then?" Neptune says awkwardly.

The screen turns on revealing Ozpin, Oscar, Port, and Oobleck on stage.

The 4 Georges...

"So that's why its called the Georgian Era, huh?" Weiss says.

"So what makes them so special to warrant an era named after them?" Ironwood asks the two hosts.

King looks at Saber, silently asking if their allowed to answer yet.

With an affirmative nod from his partner, he addresses Ironwood's question.

"Well how do I put this... The era is most noted for seeing a time of massive social and political changes, as well as the start of the industrial revolution. Its also here that saw Britain rise to being the worlds number 1 Great Power."

"Ohh. So it was under these kings I believe. That their kingdom would grow in power and status?" Weiss says.

"Yes and No, to an extent..." Saber mutters to herself.

"Something like that, yes." King responds before unpausing the video.

I took the throne of England
Just 'cause I was protestant
A German prince whose English stank
King George number one

"Wait, really. They just gave him the throne of England, cause he's protestant and... German?" Weiss asks perplexed.

"But. He's not English, can they really do that?" Willow follows up.

"Successions in Earth are a lot different from your kingdoms. Simply, King George I succeeded the throne because his mother had been previously elected to the throne but had died before she could become queen." Saber answered their questions.

"My brain hurts from that explanation." Yang groans at Saber, having freed herself from the flex tape.

"Oh, trust me. Successions of our monarchies get messy partially because everyone is technically related." King laughs.

"Hehe, family circle go brr." Saber laughs, making everyone look at them confused.

I like to argue, now that's clear
Especially with my father here
And when he died of diarrhoea
I fought with my son

"Pfftt. Out of everything to die from Ozma, this takes the cake" Salem tries to suppress her laughter.

"Well that was a SHITTY way to die." Tai jokes, making the room groan again.

"The bane of people 200 year ago. Fucking diarrhea." King snickers.

"Okay, enough shit talk. Fun fact, King George II was the last king to fight on battlefield in person" Saber says.

"Kids, pretty badass if that's the case" Qrow praises.

I broke records with my sixty year reign

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