Sabaton-Christmas Truce

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"We'll like I said, I'll be taking my leave now since I have to organize a party." King said rushing out the door.

"Hey! No crazy crab daemonette's in the hot tub! We don't want a repeat of last year!" Saber called out to the retreating form of her partner.

"Okay. Now that that's settled, y'all wanna know what you'll be watching right?" Saber turned to the cast.

"Is it one where my partner backs the fuck off the terrorist lady!?" Weiss suggested still glaring at Ruby who is now comfortable at the irritated Cinder's lap.

"Its not my fault she likes fun outgoing older women instead of icy princesses." Cinder fired back.

"Is that what a hug does to a touch starved motherfucker?" Saber wondered aloud.

"Probably..." Raven remarked.

"Right. This time, what you'll be reacting to is a tiny bit different... In that you aren't featured. You will be reacting to one of history's most touching moments in one of its most darkest days.

"So we'll just react to what this event is? What even is this event?" Ozpin asked.

"You will be reacting to a song about the Christmas Truce of 1914..." Saber answered pushing the recording crystal into place.

"Oooh... Story time!" Nora said, running back to her seat.

"Right, okay. So the Christmas Truce occured in December 1914, just 5 months into the Great War, it was informal truce in during the week leading up to Christmas Day. Soldiers all across the Western Front had risked their lives to cross Man's Land to exchange seasonal greetings with each other, in some areas had even ventured out to exchange gifts and souvenirs with soldiers from the other side. Heck, the British and their German counterparts were even playing football on the craters littered on the battlefield" Saber explains.

"You mean they risked their lives crossing a battlefield to exchange gifts with their enemies? And they even played football?" Emerald raised an eyebrow.

"Of course, not in all sectors of the Front, but generally yes. It wasn't all cheery in the entire front though the French sectors in particular, since it was their homeland being invaded. But soldiers from both sides had these truces all across the Front during the week up to Christmas, that the war pretty much just stopped as the soldiers much to frustration of everyone on top. Just stopped." Saber continued.

"The Great War was brutal and horrifying for all that endured it. But even in its darkest of moments, the light finds a way to shine through. The Christmas Truce, was one of those moments in history where compassion and camaraderie won through, even for just a moment. So take a seat, the shows about to begin..." Saber said, as the screen flickered brightly to signal the beginning of the video.

Western Front, 1914

Whistles resound the air as German troops rush around their trenches while distant gunfire act as accompaniment to the whistles issuing orders.

One of them slowly creeps his way to the forward trench, as he bore witness to three of his comrades getting shot. Followed by a shell hitting the trench and sending another soldier's body flying.

"So its from the German prespective?" Glynda observed.

"Likely. Since the last one we watched they were the enemy." Ironwood said.

Seeing what happened to his comrades, the German soldier pulled back. Then the perspective changed to a French soldier firing his rifle, and killing another German soldier just as the same soldier from before was about to pass him.

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