How to train your RWBY

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[A/N: Contrary, to the title the cast will not react to How to Train Your Dragon, they will however be reacting to one of my drafts that I may or may not do sometime in the future]

"This next universe you all will be a tad different than the previous two" Saber looks up at them.

"So, what are we reacting to Saber" Yang asks.

"We will be reacting to an alternate universe or timeline,if you will, that I interfered in." Saber answers.

"What's so different about this one then?" Weiss asks the raven haired woman.

"In this universe, I altered the timeline by befriending Cinder, Roman and Neo." Saber answers

"So your a bad guy?" Ruby says, getting a scolding look from her mother.

"Ruby. Don't be rude" Summer reprimands her daughter.

"No, Ms. Rose in this timeline." Saber says pointing to Cinder, Roman, and Neo "Somehow enrolled into Beacon Academy at the same year as team STRQ and fully fledged huntress, and huntsman" Saber answers

"Eww!" Roman says in disgust, followed by a barfing motion from Neo.

"I must say, I didn't think you'd take that path of our enemies" Salem eyes Cinder

"I-I would never!" Cinder defends herself.

"So... As I was saying what you'll be watching the time when team CRSN trained team RWBY into the best Beacon has to offer" Saber says proudly.

"I don't like this universe already" Roman scoffs, followed by nod from Cinder and Neo.

"I guarantee you, the villains will love this. As for the rest of you-" Saber assures.

"Well, let's just wait and see" Saber finishes before smirking at team RWBY.

Team RWBY look away nervously.

The screen opens, with the clashing of blades, revealing Ruby and Saber crossing blades.

Saber smirks before dashing away leaving a clone in her place, she dashes towards Ruby creating two more clones in confusion.

'She's fast... But not fast enough' Ozpin thinks.

Ruby slices the clone, only to look forward as three Sabers dash forward.

Saber parries her blow and launches the scythe up, before closing in on Ruby's throat.

"I thought you were a huntress in this universe how come you were dumb enough to go for the throat when there's a sniper-scythe behind you." Qrow points out

"Blake, watch how to counter a scythe wielder" Saber smirks at the cat faunus.

"Weiss take notes, this may come in handy for your training." Winter instructs the younger Schnee.

Ruby smirks, before trying to lift Crescent Rose but failed to do so, Ruby looks forward shocked to see two clones preventing her from lifting up the sniper-scythe.

"You were saying?" Saber mocks Qrow.

Blake looks at the screen, and makes a mental note to try something like that.

"Use your semblance me!" Ruby cheers for her other self.

'Amazing use of clones, perhaps I should be wary of her true capabilities' Salem thinks to herself.

"Your combat prowess is outstanding, Ms. Saber going against a trained scythe user" Ozpin praises.

"Scythes are overestimated, in my opinion. Swords however are far more versatile" Saber says, followed by yeses from the sword users in the crowd.

RWBY REACTS TO THE MULTIVERSE (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now