Richmond Ball

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After everyone was finished getting snacks and doing their... Business.

"Alright, now that everyone is here, let's continue the viewing, shall we?" Saber says, everyone nods gets in their seats.

"Sooo? What are we watching Saber?" Yang asks the young host.

"We. Are going to watch a ball" Saber says, earning a few groans in the audience.

"Well I think, it would be a wonderful idea" Weiss says. "Of course, you would" Mercury whispers to himself, earning a smack from Cinder.

"Well, I heard this ball was to die for" Saber says, putting a slight emphasis on the word die.

"Oh, how deadly could a ball possibly be?" Ruby asks innocently.

"Everything" Some of the more rich and connected people in the audience mutter.

"Well, Red this ball... Is hosted by none other than." Saber pauses for dramatic effect...

"Lady Salem, Duchess of Richmond" Saber continues. Salem smirks at Ozpin.

"Yes. Only my Goddess, can throw such a ball to die for!" Tyrian says excitedly.

"Ugghhh. What's so important about some fancy schmancy ball?" Qrow interrupts, earning a glare from Winter.

"Well Qrow, this ball was attended by all of the Duke of Wellington's important officers." Saber answers

"In other words almost everyone who hates, our dear Empress Ruby" Saber finishes. Qrow shuts up and looks at the screen.

"When did this ball happen, Ms. Saber?" Ironwood asks.

"Well, general. The ball happened a few days after the Empress Ruby took back the French throne, followed by the Great Powers of Europe declaring war on the empress." Saber answers, earning a gaping stare after hearing that the Great Powers declared war on Ruby not France.

"W-What!? They declared war on Ruby?" Weiss says, looking over her partner worriedly.

"I must admit, Red you have our respect." Roman says mock saluting Ruby.

"The ball would be attended, as I said by many important officers of the Anglo-Allied army. Including Sir Ozpin Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington" explains Saber.

"So me and the professor are enemies?" Ruby asks uncertain. The Beacon students look at the two worriedly.

"I could never harm, any of my students" Ozpin says, earning a glare from Hazel.

"Quite. And it would be the showdown of the century" Saber says

"That doesn't make us feel any better" Jaune mutters under his breath.

"Regardless. Its a ball, let's enjoy the show shall we?" Saber bows, and turns on the screen.

The screen begins by showing, Salem and Ozpin walking in the ballroom.

'Just like the old days, huh' both Ozpin and Salem think.

"Salem and Ozpin seems kinda weird, huh" Summer whispers to her teammates, who shrug her off.

"They are souls of England, Ozpin." Salem says, looking at the soldiers on guard.

"Scum. Nothing but beggars and scoundrels, all of them" Ozpin replies

"Gee, Ozpin glad to know we mean so much to you" Raven says sarcastically.

"Gin, is the spirit of their patriotism" Ozpin continues, while looking at the guards.

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