Soviet Tanks VS Japanese Infantry

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"Ladies and gentlemen..." Saber begins and turns her attention to her audience.

"Before we start, I would just like to ask you something was the Great War horrible?"

"Of course it was and still is. All those lives lost for nothing, frankly it wasn't worth it" Ironwood scoffs.

"Well what if I told you that Earth has also had a Great War, not once. But twice, with no aura, no robots, no stupidly complicated weapons. Just men, guns and a whole lot of fucking explosives?" Saber leans into her chair and crosses her legs.

"No aura. No robots to replace losses. How we're they even able to replace losses?" Ironwood shudders thinking about the possible losses.

"There are a lot of reasons, but I won't get into the specifics just yet. We have other times to deal with it but not right now" Saber says.

"Now what your about to see is not for the feint of heart, you may or may mot have nightmares for a few days watching this" Saber warns and flicks buckets near everyone.

"Though I suppose you could learn something from this" Saber muses to herself and sits down.

The screen begins glowing, revealing Russian BT-5's rolling down a slope towards the Japanese convoy.

"Its an attack, sir" says Adam says to Ren beside him.

"Adam?" Blake says looking down at her feet.

"You know him kitty cat?" Yang asks her partner.

"Sort of. But not anymore" Blake says leaning into Yang's shoulder.

"Get ready for battle" Ren shouts out to his soldiers.

An officer runs off towards the rear barking out orders.

"Block up the front with trucks!"

"Move the trucks up front!"

"The rest to the frontline of defense!"

The Soviet tanks open fire on the Infantry running around the field, as the Japanese soldiers return fire with their artillery guns

"Poor bastards..." Qrow laments at the sight.

"Wait. Don't they have aura? They're soldiers aren't they?" Weiss asks out of the blue.

"What? Of course not, most of these universes don't have aura, especially earth" Saber answers.

Everyone looked shocked at the revelation, and turn to the screen in horror.

"Then... That means... Ren!" Nora shouts clinging to her partner worried for his counterpart on screen.

"No aura. No robots. Two Great Wars. How can you all stomach this bloodshed" Ozpin asks feeling disturbed.

"You ain't seen nothing yet professor... And to answer your question. We can't, for now we cling on to a very fragile notion of peace..." Saber whispers to him.

"To the frontline of defense!"

Japanese soldiers and trucks rush towards the Soviet tanks, but one Japanese soldier tries to run away but us hut by a tank shell.

Carnage ensues as an artillery gun gets destroyed crushing a soldier underneath it. As Ren and the Japanese soldiers close the gap between them and the advancing Soviet tanks.

"I never got to ask Ms. Saber but what are those vehicles. They don't look like trucks but they aren't robots as well" Penny asks.

"Well Penny and everyone, what those vehicles are called tanks, they were developed during World War 1 as a means to end the brutal trench warfare in the western front. The specific models you see here are the BT-5's" Saber asks, earning a few nods in the crowd.

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