Finest Hour

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(A/N: Excuse me, for some slight errors. Apparently I can't understand a British accent so I relied on the ever annoying captions on YouTube.)

A few moments after the last chapter...

"Right, but why is Cinder laying on your lap? And why are you both on the ground." King asks entering the theater holding a shimmering crystal recording.

"Well clearly Cinder can't sit on a chair now can she? Also her ego was just brutally stabbed by Salem, so..." Saber replied, manifesting a cold compress and putting it on Cinder's bum.

"Can't you just like, heal her though?" King raises an eyebrow at the goddess.

"No. No, I kinda like her docile and not constantly threatening to burn down the house." Saber replies casually.

"Riiiigght. Moving on. We're going to be watching British Prime Minister speech on the House of Commons during the first half of World War 2." King began, turning to the rest of the audience.

"A speech boring..." Mercury rolled his eyes.

"Is it like professor Port's? Because I am out if it is." Yang laid her head back on her seat.

"Oh, trust me its nothing like that... Now any other questions?" King replies, looking to everyone in the room.

"No, but do you have any tissues? I have a feeling I'm gonna need it." Neptune replied, who gets tossed one almost immediately after asking.

"Right, now on with the show!" King announces, as the curtains covering the screen rises at the same time.

A young Qrow stands up from his sleep, as he  turns to look towards the beach with a mixture of emotions.

"It looks like a failed operation..." Ironwood deduced as the screen showed smoke and fire from a distance.

"Uncle Qrow looks pretty young here. But where is he?" Yang looked at Saber still on the floor.

"Right, ladies and gents. That is the Battle of Dunkirk, it is one of the most daring operations of the war. As Britain evacuated its forces at the last minute as German forces closed in from all directions. This battle saw the destruction of France's best armies and soon after the Fall of France itself. The British determined to bring their young men home, had even received help from British civilian ships by making the perilous crossing under heavy fire from the Germans from land and on the air. Or so I remember... The Qrow here is one such soldier in Britain." Saber explained to the audience.

"Damn, that's badass." Sun said, looking at Saber in slight disbelief.

"Private! I know were officers, but its us or the enemy! So now's not the time to be particular." Summer's voice rang out as Qrow ran towards Summer at the edge of the docks. Summer watches Qrow get on the boat before escorting Roman towards a ladder of the boat.

"Well, Ozpin got us thirty thousand, and then some. Almost three hundred thousand..." Roman told Summer, before stepping down the ladder.

"They were evacuating 300,000! That's such a large army..." Ruby awed at what the onscreen Roman said.

"Its a disaster is what it is... Impressive as it may, that would be a massive blow for the British." Ironwood stated in a serious matter.

"Still, they had managed to save 300,000 soldiers! I wouldn't call that anything other than victory." Yang said to the general even getting a few of students to nod their heads in agreement.

"Okay, that's it. I haven't seen something so stupidly irritating since Hitler speech spams, but damn. I need to make sure you morons don't think, something is a success just because you saved lives. No, Dunkirk was a massive disaster and a distasteful defeat. You can focus so much on the positives that happened, but it will never erase the fact that it and the entire Battle of France was flaming disaster. You think 300,000 lives makes up for the dead and captured of this disaster, the only positive thing that happened post-Dunkirk is that it saved those young men to fight another day. You all think that just because you saved lives, it just magically erases all the wrongs that happened before it. This isn't some fantasy world, just because you saved the few doesn't mean they'll just live happily ever after... So please, don't try telling anyone that anything is a success, if you had to save fleeing people... Because if it was a success, you wouldn't have to save fleeing people in the first place." King ranted at the sheer stupidity of Yang's statement.

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