Shogun 2: All Faction Intros

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[A/N: I just learned that Ozpin's last name is Ozpin I'm so stupid HAHAHA

Anyway on with the show!]

Saber looks at the audience with a sigh of relief. Pulling a recording from thin air, she moves to address them.

"Okay, everyone before we begin. What you're about to watch is roughly happening all at the same time in different places. So you'll notice an exact copy of some of them with just a few different variations."

"Sounds fair?" Roman raised an eyebrow.

"What are we watching anyways?" Jaune asked Saber.

"You're gonna be watching the introductions of some of the clans of the Sengoku Jidai period of Japan." Saber explained.

"The Sengoku Jidai?" Ruby tilted her head confused.

"The video will explain it, petal." Saber said, letting the screen begin the viewing.


This is Sengoku Jidai. The Age of the Country at War. For 200 years the Ozpin shoguns have ruled from Kyoto.

"What's a... Shogun?" Ruby looked at Saber confused.

"Well, Ruby. A shogun was the military dictator of Japan during its feudal era until its dissolution in the Meiji Restoration." Saber explained to the young girl.

"And they had 200 years of Ozpins?" Salem raised an eyebrow at the host.


"And what does this woman mean by Age of the Country at War?" Ironwood looked at Saber.

"It'll be explained why, when we unpause the video, general." Saber responded with an eyeroll.

Great splendour and power were theirs. Now the over mighty clans no longer obey!

An argument begins in a quiet volume as; Summer, Raven, Weiss, Neptune, Cinder, Jaune, Ironwood, Salem, and Pietro were seen distancing from the shogun.

"Look Weiss, your in this! And you too mom!" Ruby yelled with disbelief.

"So the shogun, lost his power because his subordinates had become too powerful to control..." Salem remarked with a smirk.

"What are their roles during this period anyway, Saber." Weiss asked.

"Oh, they're just the most noteworthy and legendary ones that participated in the biggest free for all in Japan." Saber said with a straight face.

The time has come for a new warlord to become shogun.

But who will be victorious?

Fall lands have always provided for our people. Our enemies are many and envious, they threaten our borders, and look for any weakness.

This is our land. We respect its ways, our farmers work hard and grow more than other men.

"So Cinder's clan are just a bunch of farmers? That seems underwhelming for a major clan." Roman says.

"Well, Torchwick. If she controls the food then everyone is gonna starve, don't ya think?" Weiss remarked sarcastically.

"Hmm... A good strategy, but I don't think that's just it." Jaune said.

But we are warriors too, our archers are admired by all. No arrow flies truer than a Fall's shaft.

The screen shows archer samurai in a practice range firing arriws.

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