Weirdmageddon part 1

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Saber inserts a shard into the screen, and sits back down.

"So... Before we start the reaction, I would just like to remind you that no puking please?" Saber asks the audience sweetly.

"Okay? But what are we reacting to?" Jaune asks the host.

"Well... You'll be reacting to a certain event that happened to a sleepy town called Gravity Falls" Saber answers.

"What could possibly happen in a town like that?" Weiss asks.

"Oh? You'd be surprised at what happens there snowflake" Saber answers.

Saber watches the screen light up and smiles.

"Unlike the other universes you won't just be reacting to your other selves, but also to a very powerful inter-dimansional demon" Saber says before sitting down.

"Huh. Fun" Weiss mumbles.

Saber rolls her eyes, "I know, he won't stop borrowing sugar". Saber turns her attention to the screen.

The screen begins glowing, revealing a massive tear in the sky as a spectral Jaune looks down on the town.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh! Its happening its finally finally happening" Jaune laughs with glee as his body gets wrapped up in flesh and metal.

"What. The. Fuck!" Roman says in disgust.

"The hell just happened?" Weiss says feeling nauseous.

"LANGUAGE" Ruby points at her partner.

"What even is that thing and why does it look like Mr. Arc" Ozpin says looking at the screen with disgust and fascination.

"He seems like a pretty chill guy. Just saying" Tyrian says chuckling at the scene, earning him a glare from Cinder.

"Ladies and Gents. I present to you Mr. Jaune Cipher the demon of the mindscape" Saber says finding amusement in their reactions.

"Physical form, don't mind. If. I do" Jaune exclaims as his body starts glowing.

The screen cuts to a panicking Watts and unconscious Yang being levitated and wrapped in a pink bubble with the symbol of a shooting star.

"This real bad. Guys, we've got a situation" Watts says before vanishing somewhere.

"Huh? Where did I go? What the hell is happening?" Watts says, looking at his counterpart on-screen.

"Yang! What's happening to Yang Saber!" Ruby asks worriedly to the raven haired woman.

"Relax Red, she's fine just trapped in a bubble of... How should I put this, false happiness?" Saber answers lifting her chin up and looking at the screen.

The town below Jaune begins trembling as the citizens of Gravity Falls look on to the sky in fear and astonishment.


"For one-trillion years I've been trapped in my own decaying dimension, waiting for new universe to call my own. Names Jaune, but you can call me your new lord and master for all of eternity" Jaune says cheerfully, as he eviscerates a statue of Nicholas Schnee with his eyes.

"So, he's been trapped in his own dimension for a trillion years?" Ironwood asks.

"That's... Incredible, one could only imagine how that must have felt like" Winter says fascinated at this version of Jaune.

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