God of War 3: Zeus boss fight

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[A/N: Headsup I'm not gonna be changing the name of the Box of Pandora cause its fucking awkward. And I'll be referring to the GoL as Zeus to avoid confusion. And because the fucked doesn't even have a canon name.]

"Hmm... This'll be fun." King said throwing the recording crystal towards Saber.

"Hmm... Ahh, how nostalgic." Saber sighed, looking over the crystal before slotting it in.

"Alright, everybody! I have a this neat recording, that I'm sure Ozpin and Salem will definitely enjoy." Saber smirked at the immortal couple.

"I highly doubt, Ozpin has anything in common anymore with the evil witch." Ironwood pointed out.

"Not even to kill a god?" Saber challenged.

"How interesting..." Salem smiled evilly.

"Not that the knowledge would hurt." Ozpin shrugged his shoulders.

"Excellent! And I get to feel nostalgic about this. So Win Win!" Saber clapped her hands and.

"I am sorry. But can somebody explain what were even going to be watching!" Weiss interrupted, the fast pace of the conversation.

"Later, snowflake." Saber ignored her, when the screen began to light up.

The scene began with Penny and Salem just a few moments away from unlocking the Flame of Olympus and getting to the Box of Pandora.

Penny dashes for the Flame, but Salem catches the girls arm before she can run off.

"Penny, no!"

"You know why I'm here! You brought me here to do this!" Penny protested, trying to break free from Salem's hold.

"That light... What is it? And how is Penny connected to it?" Weiss asked.

"That light. As you put it, is called the Flame of Olympus; the lock of the Box of Pandora within it." Saber explained.

"And Penny knows how to unlock it, I'm guessing?" Salem said.

"Sorta. But if I answered that, then where's the surprise." Saber explained politely.

"I will find another way!" Salem tried to convince the struggling Penny from her hold.

"No child!" Salem ordered, feeling Penny slip from her grip.

"No, Salem! There is no other way! Let me go! I am not a child" Penny protested, pulling herself away from Salem's hold.

"Shit. Penny isn't just some girl that magically knows how to unlock that thing, is she?" Raven looked at Saber.

"Ding Ding Ding! Birb mom gets a prize! Though I'm not revealing any specifics just yet." Saber clapped, winking at the bandit queen.

"I haven't seen you that insistent. Since, well you know." Ozpin scratched his head awkwardly.

"Yes, apparently being a mother does that to you. And a being a controlling bitch too, apparently." Salem sighed, looking back at the screen.

Penny ran across the floor, but before she approaches the Flame; Penny collides with an old man sending her crashing to the floor. While Salem could only watch as Zeus picked up the helpless girl by the neck.

"Penny!" Her friends yelled in worry.

"Well, I'll be damned... He looks even more like an asshole." Ozpin said in surprise.

"Did the God of Light actually look like that?" Oscar turned to Salem.

"Last I saw him, he looked like a retard in a Faunus furry costume... Should have brought a flamethrower." Salem said in disgust.

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