AC Odyssey: Athens Symposium

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[A/N: I'm gonna back up a bit and start at the Symposium, cause I'm too lazy to spend twenty minutes trying to explain why Ruby and Qrow are beating up a bunch of dudes in a warehouse at Corinth. Also I plan to make Yang as Stentor cause their half-siblings and all.
P.S. I'm gonna cut through several scenes for copyright reasons and all that.]

A few minutes after last chapter...

"Welp, welcome back Remnant people..." Saber waved off in a bored tone.

"Ahh, here we go! My love-hate recording..." King said, suddenly appearing beside Saber.

"Ahh, the Peloponnesian War..." Saber nodded off before turning to her audience.

"Alright, listen up people! This next world I'm sure you'll enjoy, the birthplace of Western Civilization. A land of opportunity, knowledge, and democracy. Athens." Saber regaled to her audience.

"What and who is it about?" Winter asked.

"Its about Ruby Rose and her quest to find her mother... This is the start of that journey, or atleast the one that pointed her in the right direction." Saber explained.

"Ohh. I get to make an appearance again!" Ruby high-fived her sister.

"When haven't you made an appearance is the real question." Jaune replied with a laugh.

"Yeah! Equal representation!" Sun yelled from his seat.

"Okay, enough. Now, without further ado let's begin!" Saber snaps her finger and the recording begins.

The screen opens in front of the entrance to an ancient Greek house, with a Spartan helmet wearing Ruby enters.

"Is that... Argus?" Pyrrha asked.

"Well. No. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the home of Ozpin, father of Democracy and ironically the founder of the Athenian empire." King introduced.

"Although to answer your question, Pyrrha. What you are viewing right now isn't Argus, rather its the city of Athens the cultural and intellectual center of the western world(debatable) at the time." Saber followed up.

"Interesting..." Ozpin said in response.

"Ruby! You're here!" The voice of a little girl interrupted the misthios musings.

"Penny?" Ruby turned to the source of the voice in surprise to see a young girl running up to her.

"You said you weren't coming back to Kephallonia, so I decided to leave too." Penny explained.

"I said I wouldn't be coming back, but I don't remember saying you should leave." Ruby told the young girl.

"Well here I am!" Penny responded cheerfully to the misthios.

"How dare you leave Penny other me!" Ruby pointed accusingly at the screen.

"Well to be fair. Taking some kid headfirst into the conflict of the century would have been very responsible." Saber responded sarcastically.

"I am combat ready!" Penny saluted from her seat behind Ruby.

"How did you even get here, Penny?" Ruby asked still astonished by the girl.

"Well... I did make some drachmae working for Roman." Penny replied.

"If I had a lien for everytime I gave work to some orphan. I'd have two lien, which isn't a lot but its weird that it happened twice." Roman said.

"Two? Oh, yeah right. The personification of ice cream and nightmares." Cinder replied, looking at Neo.

"So you paid someone to bring you to Athens." Ruby looked at the younger girl.

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