You'll be back

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A few moments after last chapter...

"Right. I've found the recording for you all to watch." King says shuffling out a bunch of recording crystals from their containers.

"So what exactly are we watching?" Jaune asked.

"Well do you all remember that one recording where Cinder became the State Secretary of the US? Well this one is set before that. This time its set in during the American Revolution." King explained to his audience.

"I believe Ms. Saber has mentioned this is passing. But she never really got into it, will we be watching the events of this revolution." Ozpin mentions to their host, earning a smirk from the man.

"No, rather you'll be watching the reaction of America's enemy and master at the time, Great Britain. More specifically King George III" King clarifies for Ozpin and the gang.

"You mean were just gonna the reaction of the alternate professor Oobleck, who mind you is sorta insane. React to a revolt against him?" Weiss looked at their host incredulously.

"One. Its a revolution. Two, it'll be fun trust me not like some other disturbing stuff I could show you instead." King replied nonchalantly.

You say
The price of my love's not a price that you're willing to pay
You cry
In your tea which you hurl in the sea when you see me go by
Why so sad?
Remember we made an arrangement when you went away
Now you're making me mad
Remember, despite our estrangement, I'm your man

"Okay, now that's just creepy." Sun winced.

"Note to self don't piss crazy people off..." Roman mutters, subtly looking at Cinder.

"This takes fuck a kingdom to whole new level. That if I wasn't so weirded out, I'd be impressed." Cinder comments, cringing outwardly.

You'll be back, soon you'll see
You'll remember you belong to me
You'll be back, time will tell
You'll remember that I served you well

"Did he really?" Jaune asked.

"Depends how you look at it I suppose..." King answered back.

Oceans rise, empires fall
We have seen each other through it all

"With every word he slowly slips into insanity..." Glynda says, a bit unnerved at what Oobleck implied.

"You kinda just get used to it..." Watts replies, earning a few nods from Team W_CH.

"And with every word he starts sounding a lot like Jimmy here..." Qrow says mimicking Glynda, much to the others apprehension.

"I do not sound like that!" Ironwood defends himself.

I will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love!

"Okay. Fine, we see your point." Glynda admits sighing.

"Plotwist. Its wasn't just a battalion." King said out of nowhere.

"I mean it was kinda obvious... But for  reasons, how many did he send?" Winter asked.

"Thirty-two thousand troops in New York Harbour! Thirty-two thousand troops in New York Harbour!" King sang in response.

"You've been holding that in haven't you." Winter said amused.

Da da da dat da dat da da da da ya da
Da da dat dat da ya da!
Da da da dat da dat da da da da ya da
Da da dat dat da…

You say our love is draining and you can't go on
You'll be the one complaining when I am gone...

"Maybe. Just maybe, you'd consider to just leave them alone and stop pestering them, you stupid-" Weiss rants.

"Okay, princess pretty sure what you're saying is not related to what were watching anymore." Yang says, covering the heiress mouth to stop her.

"That's a lot of resentment..." King chuckles.

And no, don't change the subject
'Cause you're my favorite subject
My sweet, submissive subject
My loyal, royal subject
Forever and ever and ever and ever and ever…

"And now he sounds like everybody's favorite Jaquesass." Qrow says sarcastically. Making the Schnee family matriarch laugh, making the Schnee sisters look at each other in mild concern.

"He actually does sound like that... HAHAHA." Willow says in-between laughs.

"Man, has this version of Bart ever considered. I don't know impersonation? Cause damn he's good." Tai says, still laughing

You'll be back like before
I will fight the fight and win the war
For your love, for your praise
And I'll love you till my dying days

"It would sound so romantic, if it wasn't for the underlying domination sub-tones." Weiss says, slightly more appreciative of the song.

When you're gone, I'll go mad
So don't throw away this thing we had

"So, is this when he went mad as a bonkers kangaroo?" Pyrrha asked.

"Ahh. This is when he went mad didn't he?" Weiss asked.

"Oh no, that comes later. Though he does indeed go mad." King answered.

'Cause when push comes to shove
I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love

"Well, that went South real quick." Mercury said.

[Chorus: KING GEORGE ]
Da da da dat da dat da da da da ya da
Da da dat dat da ya da!
Da da da dat da dat da da da da ya da
Da da dat—

"Awwe, they learned dance moves" Ruby awwed at the soldiers.

"If only some people could learn to emulate their example and not treat dancing like rocket science!" Ren says aloud aggressively.

Da da da dat da dat da da da da ya da
Da da dat dat da ya da!
Da da da dat da dat da da da da ya da da da da
Dat dat da ya da!


"See? Told ya it was fun." King said as the recording crystal is returned to him.

"Well.... Okay, fine it was fun." Winter admits reluctantly.

"Just admit it weissy. It was a catchy yandere song aand you loved it." Yang says humming the chorus.

"Fine, it was catchy... But no more praises." Weiss concedes.

"So, what'll we be watching next? Please let it have explosions!" Ruby asks excitedly.

"Maybe... Haven't decided, yet in the meantime why don't y'all have a break? I heard the mansions pool just got renovated" King responds with a smile.

"Hell yeah! Girls, let's hit the pool!" Yang cheered and hopped off her chair.

"Uggghh... What to do. Come on you useless saps, let's hit the pool." Cinder groans in fake annoyance as she leaves the theater followed by the rest of her crew.

A/N: Well that's that I suppose.

Okay, brief announcement since school is almost starting for my school. The next chapter will be the last one for a long while since I still have to organize some things for school.


Have a nice day/evening/afternoon

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