: ̗̀➛ Chapter 46

Start from the beginning

Without that much thought, Hee-seul ripped the spear from Wu-jin, the latter being surprised at the sudden action from the girl just as On-jo's dad sprint to get the zombie.

"Dad! No!"

"Hee-seul, what the fuck are you doing?"

So-ju was taken a back when he saw something-- no, someone zooming pass him with his peripheral vision, rushed footsteps halting when he saw one of the teens spinning the spear on her hand before stabbing the zombie in the neck with so much force that he didn't know a child could hurl.

The blood sprays as the end of the spear pierces through its neck and pop out of its nape. Hee-seul pushes the zombie down as it continue to trash around. When the zombie's back was flat on the ground, she pulls the spear away before stabbing it multiple times with pure rage.

The group watches with wide eyes, cringing as the blood pools around the cadaver while the girl continues her rage party. So-ju's eyes fall from the girl to the other zombie running their way so without that much of a thought, he charges again and tackles the zombie down, "Kids! Run!" he yells to the still frozen teenagers.

Min-jun was the first one to snap, running forward to grab Hee-seul away from the cadaver, nearly vomiting when he saw how unrecognizable the zombie's face now, "Come on, let's vent out your anger to still alive zombies."

They run away while the zombies chasing them, feet pushing forward as they ignore the burning sensation from how fast and heavy their footsteps are. Their breathing pattern becomes ragged as their literally run for their lives, not wanting to stop knowing the moment they slow down will also be the moment they will see the world they are living in.

"Yah!" Min-jun curses when Hee-seul slips away from his grasp, the lass charging towards the incoming zombie as she hits them with the wooden staff directly on their head before stabbing them, the crisp crack of the zombie's skull being swallowed by the snarls of the aggressive zombies coming their way.

Without much of a choice, Min-jun grab Hee-seul on her waist, hauling her to his shoulder as he literally carry her like a bag of sack, "Come on, Seul. I know you want to kill all of the zombies but you won't be able to do that if you're already one of them."

He continues to carry him on his shoulder, running towards the open gate where the others are waiting for them to come inside.

"Go! Get in!" So-ju urges the kids inside.

Ha-ri turns around, seeing Min-jun with Hee-seul on his shoulder as the zombies come closer towards them, their arms outstretched as they try to grab them. Despite of literally hanging upside down, Hee-seul manages to hit the other zombies closer to them, their body landing on the ground with sickening crack as their snarls becomes even more aggressive if it's even possible.

The senior archer readies her bow and arrow, lifting it up to aim towards the one trying to grab Hee-seul before she releases the arrow, completely missing the charging zombie from her right and only noticing it when it already tackles her to the ground. The arrow penetrates the zombie's neck just as the zombie tackles her to the ground.

So-ju immediately jump into action, grabbing the zombie from its uniform before pushing it to the ground. He was quick to grab Ha-ri up just as Min-jun and Hee-seul reaches the open gate.

When it was sure that the kids are safe inside, he closes the gate behind them, the zombie slamming on the green metal as it snaps their bloody teeth in the air.

"What happened to her?" Wu-jin asks in worry when he notice Min-jun still carrying Hee-seul.

"Nothing life threathening." the guy is quick to answer as he finally drop Hee-seul on her feet.

"Run!" So-ju yelled at them, not like it was really needed since they are already running.

Just as they are nearing the gate to the trees, the zombies were already on their way to trap the survivors inside, swarming on the exit with their empty stomach and urge to infect. This causes for the group to halt right at the middle of the court.

"We can't go out there. We can't go anywhere!" Dae-su panics.

"What should we do?" Wu-jin asks im frustration.

"Damn it!" Mi-jin curses.

Min-jun's eyes automatically landed to Hee-seul when he realizes where they are, the girl looking around her surrounding with solemn look.

It seems just like yesterday when the three of them were hanging out in this very court. With Min-jun and Hee-seul being forced to pick up the balls while Kyung trains. It seems just like yesterday when Hee-seul told them about how weird Kim Hyeon-ju was acting. It seems like yesterday when everything's all fine and none of the students were turned into mindless, cannibalistic creatures.

Memories of them laughing and making fun of each other manifests in front of Hee-seul's eyes, the hole on her heart going bigger as her eyes drifted to smiling face of Kyung, his eyes turning into cresents and those gummy smile--- she then realizes that she'll never going to see it again.

It seems like another slap on her face when she remembers how he convulse on the floor and if it weren't for the loud sound of the metal gate busting open, she would be stucked on the horrible nightmare of life without her bestfriend and brother.

Hee-seul's head snap towards the sound of the growling zombies, feeling the familiar anger coursing through her as her eyes turn sharp---no, deadly.

With a tight grip on her weapon, the others watches as Hee-seul charges to meet the zombies running towards them.

"Hee-seul--- not again!"

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