"Did you find anything?" Bucky came in with a few cookies on a plate and sat them to the side of the computer. You barely looked up as you read through the data with a look of horror on your face. You had gone through several video's seeing the transformation and the testing phases, and you could barely believe your eyes. You barely spared Bucky a glance as you were jotting down notes on a piece of paper.
"There's so much" you finally looked at him with tears brimming in your eyes. "You should see how many died from this experiment. How many wolves they killed to make this work" you held back a quiet sob.
"It's okay, don't worry. We will stop them" he crouched down beside you and rubbed your back in slow rhythmic movements. You curled into him, leaning against him and grabbed a cookie and took a bite. You offered him a bite of the still warm cookie and he took a bite and hummed happily while he slowly chewed on it.
"It looks like they are now just in the testing phase to see how long the genetic switch will last for, and if the results can be reproduced. It looks like they are focusing the testing phase in a few key bases that are set up for us to look into next week from the mission dossier" you spoke softly, still looking through their formula. "I'm confident I can neutralize the serum, but it's going to take some time. I would be needed in the lab for a bit. It won't be ready for next week" you decided. "If I have Bruce's help, and we work through the weekend, we might be able to," you chewed on your bottom lip.
"Sounds like we are spending the weekend here at the compound" Bucky murmured softly to you.
"You can still go to the cabin, baby" you looked at him quickly.
"I want to be where my mate is" he shook his head and kissed you softly on the cheek, making it slightly sticky from the melted chocolate chips on his lips.
"I don't want to stop you from enjoying your weekend" you pouted slightly.
"As long as we still go to the farmers market on Sunday, I'll be happy" he murmured and continued to rub your back. He grabbed another cookie and offered you the first bite, and you took it humming happily to yourself.
"Can we pick up some Cream of Earl Gray tea for our suite? I think Wanda would like it" you looked at him hopefully.
"Baby, we can get whatever you want" he chuckled and ate the rest of the cookie. "We do need more dog toys"
"We should just start buying them in bulk," you sighed softly. "Thank you, you officially got my mind off of this" you leaned over and kissed him on the tip of his nose and he chuckled.
"I'm just here to help" he smiled at you. "I'll be out in the living room, the wolves aren't back yet and they are putting on a movie. Did you want to join us?" he asked hopefully.
"I want to go over this a little more. I feel like I should have been paying more attention all along. Serums are something I know a lot about, clearly" you gave a soft smile.
"Okay, but if you change your mind, I'll keep a spot open for you" he gave you a kiss on the side of your neck and stood up. You noticed he had left you another three cookies still to eat in case you wanted them, and smiled softly to yourself. You thought back to how he so easily started helping you in the kitchen again here, just like he would at the cabin, and couldn't imagine loving him more. He seemed to understand everything you needed, before you even knew you needed it. You took another cookie, watching him walk towards the living room and took a bite before looking back at the computer. You cleared your throat a bit, and clicked on the next file. You knew you wouldn't be getting much sleep tonight, even if you wanted to.

It was a few hours later, when Bucky came back in and you were still going through the data. He was quickly followed by Bruce and Tony who pulled an empty desk from the back corner and put it more towards the center of the room before Tony started grabbing computer parts from a cupboard and Bruce started putting a full computer together. You quirked an eyebrow at them, but tried to ignore what they were doing.
"Come on Luna" Bucky put his hands on your shoulders and started massaging out the tense muscles with his expert hands. "It's time for bed. The wolves have come home and been out again" he warned you.
"Just a few more files, please" you looked up at him.
"No, you need your rest for tomorrow. They canceled the missions for the rest of the week for you, and Wanda is taking your place. Clint agreed with it" he continued to get the knots out of your shoulders.
"We discussed it as a team, we need you in the lab" Tony spared you a glance. "Bucky said you think you can come up with something to offset the serum?" he asked expectantly.
"I'm confident I can, I just need time we don't have" you nodded.
"I'll be helping you" Bruce gave a small smile while he connected the modem to the tower.
"This is going to be your new workstation from now on," Tony gestured to the desk. "Just until we get you back out in the field, but we will be keeping it for when you need to work on site. It's yours, and you won't have to share"
"I don't mind sharing" you bit your bottom lip unsurely.
"Snow would probably feel better if you were closer for now" Tony pointed out, changing tactics.
"Okay, that's true" you nodded. "Alright, I guess I'm off missions for now then" you sighed and leaned back in your chair.
"Come on, let's go to bed, doll. You can pick this back up in the morning when I leave for the mission" Bucky gave you a swift kiss on top of the head. He reached over and locked the computer for you and held out his arms expectantly and you stood up to snuggle into his warm embrace, just reveling in the moment.
"We will pick this up in the morning" Bruce promised, giving a nod before walking out of the room.
"I guess Blue gets what he wants for a few days" you mumbled against Bucky's strong muscled chest.
"I only have one mission without you, but it already feels like too many" Bucky sighed softly, murmuring into your hair.
"You'll be okay. I'll talk to Cloud and Jasper" you offered gently.
"We already talked to them," he chuckled. "They seemed to understand, they both barked at me" he shrugged and pulled back from the hug.
"I'll make sure" you gnawed at your bottom lip unsurely.
"The things ya do ta me" he growled slightly and leaned down and claimed your lips with his strong lips, and his blissful tongue started massaging against your own.
"Okay, enough of that" Tony spoke up and you both parted away from each other guiltily. "I'll see you both in the morning, get some rest" he shooed you both out of the lab. Bucky took your hand, and kissed your knuckles before leading the way out.

The pack was already all piled up on the bed, with Blue waiting expectantly on your pillows when you got to the bedroom.
"We understand you are staying in the lab for the rest of the week, and we are to go on missions with just Alpha" Jasper spoke up as soon as you got past the door.
"Yes, are you okay with it?" you looked at both him and Cloud.
"We anticipated this day would come" Cloud sniffed at the air. "Bucky is good in battle, I'm not worried. You will be safe without us"
"Excuse me, but we will be protecting her," Melody reminded him.
"You'll be in the gym again" you reminded Melody who gave a small whine.
"What difference does it make if you won't let me in the field?" she whined.
"You might be having pup's, you need to take it easy" Snow sassed her.
"You should listen to Snow. You only have a few months before the pups will come if you are pregnant and then you'll be busy" you reminded her.
"I should be working" Melody shot back.
"No, right now you should be sleeping. We all should be" you spoke softly. "I have to work in the lab for the next few days on a reverse serum that will hypothetically work in the field" you sighed softly and looked at Bucky.
"I believe in you, don't look at me" he chuckled. "But I agree with you, we should call it a night" he started getting undressed and walked into the closet. You went to the bathroom to use the facilities and came out to see Bucky was already dressed and getting into bed, waiting for you expectantly. You went into the closet and got changed quickly before slipping into bed beside him. "I love you" he whispered and kissed you on the top of your head as you snuggled into him. Blue got up on his chest while he wrapped his arm around you, and Blue nuzzled into both of you.
"I love you too" you gave his chest a light kiss. "Be careful on tomorrow's mission" you whispered.
"I have to, I want to come home to you" he whispered, giving the top of your head another kiss. "I always want to come home to you," he added softly.  

Enemies to lovers (Bucky x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें