As she predict, in five minutes she arrived at her home. She open the big wooden gate and go inside. Rika is currently walking towards at her room to get some sleep.

"Hello Rika Nonaka."

Rika gasped before jerking her head behind and see Black standing at top of her gate. Rika growl as she glare at him.

"How lovely to see you." Black chuckled.

"Black!" Rika growled.

The two stared at each other under the half moon at top of them.

The next day

Takato sigh as he walking in the city. He yawn as he finished his homework last night.

"Man, i didn't even know that homework would give such pain in the neck!" Takato groaned while his hand behind the back of his head before walking towards. Suddenly his phone ring. He took it and saw a message from Rika.


Takato, meet me at the park ASAP.

Takato raised an eyebrow as he started to reply the text.

"I wonder why she wanted me to be there." Takato thought before hitting send.


Takato, meet me at the park ASAP.

Be there! See you soon!

Takato replied to the message before walking towards at the park. At the park, Rika is currently waiting for Takato to arrive.

"Hey Rika!" Takato shouted. Rika turn to him but Takato saw something odd about Rika but decided to ignore it.

"Hey Rika what's up, why do you need me here for?" Takato asked. Rika look at him emotionless, before looking down.

"Takato... We need to talk." Rika said then Takato tilt his head.

"We're talking right now... What is it?" Takato asked. Rika look at him before looking down again.

"Can we go somewhere else, where not crowded." Rika said. Takato nodded at her.

"In Guilmon's shed, Guilmon is at home so it's empty and no one usually coming there except us. We can talk there." Takato said. Rika nod before both of them walk where Guilmon's shed is. While they we're walking, Takato couldn't help stared at Rika with worried.

"I wonder what is she wants to talk about." Takato thought. After they arrived, they go Inside and look at each other.

"Okay, it's just a two of us. Now what do you want to talk about?" Takato asked. Rika look at him before looking down. Takato frowned a bit before putting a hand in her shoulder.

"Rika what's wrong?" Takato asked softly. Rika grab his hand and gentle taking it off on her shoulder before looking at him with cold eyes.

"Takato... We need to break up." Rika said. Takato got stunned what she just said before his heart started to ache.

"What?" Takato numbly asked.

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