Medium sized base

Start from the beginning

"Please tell me you brought extra ammo" Clint was looking at the base the three of you were going to try to sneak into. It was a medium sized base, and the guards were armed to the teeth. There was even a tank, which made your stomach drop a little.
"Extra ammo, not that I really need it" you admitted.
"I've got extra too" Bucky called up.
"Cloud, Jasper, I think it's better you two stay with Clint, just in case" you looked at them worriedly.
"We follow you" Cloud gave a soft bark.
"I'm not leaving my companions" Jasper snorted a bit.
"It's better if they are with you. They are an extra set of eyes" Clint reminded you. "You still have the doors timed?" he asked expectantly.
"On my phone with a silent alarm to let me know when we can make it in or out. I'll have you on comms in case we need a quick exit" you nodded.
"I'm aiming for the tank" he reminded you, pulling out one of his explosive arrows and studying it for a moment.
"We had better go my love" you jumped out of the tree and Bucky stood up. He gave you a quick kiss on the lips and you both turned to look at the guards starting to move, so you broke into a sprint with Jasper and Cloud beside you both. You opened the doors and the wolves slipped in first before Bucky grabbed you and pulled you in and pulled you hard against his body. He tilted his head listening closely before he released you, giving you a soft kiss on your shoulder where your bite mark was. Cloud followed Bucky towards the basement while you started your initial sweep of the main floor with Jasper sticking close to your side.
"There's no humans on this level" he sniffed at the air. "There might be wolves in the basement" he added softly.
"Cloud and Bucky will take care of them" you used your mind to talk to him. You both made your way to the second floor as stealthily as possible. You had a flash of blood on metal and blinked a few times.
"Hurry Luna" Jasper snapped you out of it. You hurried into the first door and saw it was clear. You closed over the door and looked out seeing that Jasper had a good hiding spot. "I'll watch the hallway" he let you know. You nodded and closed over the door completely and headed to the computer and started the download of data. You flipped through some of the files as it was downloading and saw that they were still working on the werewolf project, and had graduated to testing on humans. You grimaced at the thought of it, but continued going through the data. Once the drive was full, you put in the next one, wishing that the computer would move just a little bit faster. You pushed yourself to look through Cloud's eyes and saw him watching Bucky who was hiding from a guard. Cloud looked pointedly at a cage full of wolves and you frowned slightly. It was just a small pack of five, they looked malnourished. You looked through Jasper's eyes and saw there were guards walking down the hallway, but bypassed your door. You let out a sigh of relief but knew you couldn't call out to Clint quite yet about needing that exit for the wolves sake. You thought about the shadow wolf pack, and wondered if they would be okay if you brought more wolves onto the territory. You didn't think this pack would make it far without a little extra food for a few days. You knew Tony had been having meat put out for the wolves in the woods on purpose since the shadow wolves joined the compound, so they wouldn't need to hunt. You inserted the third drive and it didn't take as long, since the data was basically all transferred over. You uploaded a virus and spread it across all servers and waited a moment to see if all hell would break loose, but nothing yet thankfully. You put the drives in your bra and looked through Jasper's eyes again and saw the hallway was clear. You checked the timing on your phone, you might have enough time to make it out with the pack without arousing suspicion. You came out of the room and Jasper came out of his hiding spot and started walking beside you down the stairs, and you knew he was listening carefully. You paused for a moment to look through Bucky's eyes and saw that he was opening the cage the wolves were housed in and Cloud ran in. You could tell he was talking to the small pack, and you continued racing down the steps.
"We are taking you to safety" Cloud's voice came through loud and clear.
"How can you trust a human?" one of the pack members demanded and snapped at Bucky as he got close, trying to take the collars off of them.
"Because, he can talk to humans" you used your mind to reach out to the entire pack letting them hear you as you walked into the cage. "We don't have much time. My name is Y/N, and these are two of my companions Jasper and Cloud" you introduced yourself. "That is my mate, Bucky, we want your freedom"
"At what cost?" they seemed a little surprised that you were talking to them so easily.
"Hopefully no one else's life" you saw some collars laying on the ground, meaning that they had lost some of their pack already. "Let us help you. We can take you to a new territory" you offered.
"We can make it on our own, just get us out of this building" the alpha of the pack spoke up.
"It's okay Bucky, they'll let you take off their collars now" you reached for one of the wolves collars and unsnapped it, before moving to the next wolf. He quickly went back to work, and you both worked in tandem until they were completely free.
"Follow the Alpha" Cloud gave a soft bark, and looked at Bucky who was leading the way out towards the door. You followed Bucky closely and when you both got to the door you looked at your phone to see you had made perfect timing. You threw open the door and the pack ran out, quickly followed by Cloud and Jasper who headed towards Clint. The pack went in the opposite direction, back into the woods going faster than you thought they would be able to. Bucky put his hand in the small of your back to urge you to move faster and you ran like your life depended on it. You both got back to the tree and you were panting. You turned in time to see the guards resuming their post at the door you had just left. They were none the wiser, and you felt a sense of pride at that fact.
"Good job kids" Clint chuckled. "They didn't seem to know you were even there"
"That's the point" you grinned.
"Did you get the data?" Bucky looked at you expectantly. You pulled the three drives out of your bra proudly and he chuckled. "That's my dame," he smiled and leaned down to kiss you softly on the lips. You hummed happily and returned the kiss eagerly.
"Come on, we gotta go before they figure us out" Clint reminded you both.
"Our companions make a great team" Jasper looked to Cloud.
"They really do" Cloud agreed quickly.  

AN: Thank you GSWritter for the assist

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