Clint was gone for a while, to the point that Doctor Cho was just checking there was no scarring and turning off the machine when Clint came back carrying Blue who was feeding off a bottle again. Tony was quick behind him and he looked at you worriedly.
"How bad was it?" Tony demanded.
"It wasn't that bad" you gave a soft smile.
"He's on strike two" Tony growled and took your arm to look at it closely. "We knew the minute it happened. Blue was whimpering up a storm, so was Snow. How are you feeling?" he demanded.
"I"m fine, just having flashbacks again" you flushed admitting it to Tony.
"Do you need off missions the rest of the week?" he asked you expectantly.
"I'm good for missions, just please not with John again" you shook your head.
"He should have been watching your back like he was told" Tony growled.
"Jasper gave me a small heads up, but John caught me off guard when he was right behind me" you bit your bottom lip.
"At least you had Jasper with you" Tony sighed and pulled you into a hug. "I'm tired of you getting hurt so much lately"
"Its like I'm a magnet" you frowned as Tony stepped back. Blue was finishing his bottle, and Clint handed him to you so you could hold him close.
"Mama, hurt" Blue whined at you.
"Mama's all better now" you cooed to him. "I'm sorry baby boy"
"Love mama" Blue barked at you.
"I love you too Blue" you gave a soft smile and kissed him on top of the head.
"Are you hungry?" Tony asked after the tiny exchange.
"I can wait for supper" you shook your head. "I need to get changed, and have you fix my suit" you gave a sigh.
"I'll have a new suit printed for tomorrow's mission, and I'll fix this one tomorrow" Tony shrugged. "Go start working on your mission report. I expect it to be very detailed" he warned you. "Where's Bucky?"
"James is washing up Cloud and Jasper. They were caked in blood" you admitted. "At least, that was the plan"
"John's lucky that Bucky is right handed" Tony gave a small smile, hinting that he already knew what had happened.
"He's got a fat lip, and a bruise on his chin. If we are sending him back to Fury, it's going to be with a very bruised ego" you warned.
"Good, that will teach Fury to try to add members to the team that aren't ready" Tony shrugged easily. "Go get washed up" he held out his arms for Blue.
"I'll bring him back to the lab" you shook your head.
"I'll take him" Tony reached for Blue. "Snow is already upset, and we just got her calmed down not that long ago. You will rile her up again. Let her rest until supper"
"Okay papa Tony" you giggled and let him take Blue before you pulled your sleeve back down. You headed back towards the door and Clint came over and opened it for you.
"I'm going to work on my reports, text me if you need me. Just remember to keep breathing" Clint spoke softly to you while you walked out. You gave a nod of understanding and walked out.
"Thank you Doctor Cho" you called back before the door completely closed.

You got to the suite and walked in to hearing Cloud and Jasper letting out barks and the sound of splashing water. You hurried through the suite to the bedroom, and went right into the bathroom and the sight that graced your eyes warmed your heart. Bucky was sitting on the side of the tub in his boxers, with his legs in the tub in the water with both Cloud and Jasper letting him wash them down with your favorite soap. You had forgotten to pick up more dog shampoo, and thought it was adorable that he was so focused on his task. The room smelled fantastic.
"What's this?" you giggled.
"They're both caked, it's my second time washing them," Bucky admitted. "We are almost out of soap"
"I have a few more bottles" you went into the cupboard and realized you would have to restock again soon. You brought one over and put it beside Bucky.
"The good thing is, they are going to smell just like you" Bucky gave his flirty smile.
"You too, you've been using it too" you giggled again.
"The bad thing is, the enemy is going to smell us a mile away" Jasper grumbled as Bucky continued trying to wash him down.
"Let me help" you offered and stood up so you could pull off your cat suit. Bucky looked at you hungrily as you stood in your bra and panties and you got into the tub with your feet, and sat on the opposite lip of the tub, your legs brushing against Bucky's as you started working on Cloud who just leaned more into you as you washed the blood out of his fur.
"I don't like getting into fights, but I won't say no to getting spoiled like this" Cloud sighed softly.
"You've always liked getting washed" you spoke out loud to Cloud.
"It's like a massage" Jasper piped up. "Alpha is doing a good job of it" he seemed to approve.
"You're doing a good job Alpha" you smiled up at Bucky. "Jasper said so"
"How is my Luna doing?" Bucky asked you gently.
"The memories started flooding back earlier, but this is helping keep me present" you admitted.
"I need to admit doll, I don't like the way he looks at you. I don't like that we were separated on the mission and he was with you. I don't like the way he talks to you..." he started going into a tangent.
"It's not going to happen again, Tony told me he's on strike two" you gave a shy smile. "One more strike and he's headed back to Shield"
"Doll, I don't want him to even have the chance to get another strike" Bucky shook his head.
"Everyone deserves a chance, even that meat head" you leaned forward and gave Bucky a soft kiss on top of his head and he looked up quickly and leaned in for another kiss, gracing your lips gently.
"You are too forgiving, Luna" Bucky went back to working on Jasper. You saw that Cloud was basically washed down and you grabbed the nozzle for the tub head and started spraying him down, careful not to get him in the face. He preened under the attention and you giggled softly before leaning down and scrubbed out the soap.
"I agree with the Alpha," Jasper spoke up. You looked at him curiously but let the comment slide.
"Let's get this finished up" you sighed softly. "Blue and Snow were pretty upset, and it's almost supper time" you reminded him.
"I wanted some alone time with you tonight" Bucky licked his lips looking you up and down.
"Blue is going to be clingy," you warned him. "I don't know if we are going to get that alone time" you gave a small giggle.
"My favorite little clock block" he sighed heavily and kissed you on top of your head. "I will have you soon" 

AN: Thank you  for all the assistance!

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