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October 5th, 2014. Sunday. Philipsburg, Montana.

Sofía's pov:
I don't wanna leave this place, but I also do want to go back home. We got here on september 26th, and that day was spent with just us walking around Philipsburg, exploring; before we drove to the ranch/hotel where we spent the next six days. Oh, Mama and Rom finally got married by the way.

The only one of us who had been to Montana before was Mama, when she filmed The Horse Whisperer, and she spent an entire summer here, which she loved. That's why she picked to get married here. She told me she remembered Montana been such a beautiful place, full of nature and nice people, so it just seemed like the perfect place.

The wedding happened last wednesday, october 1st. But on the previous days we did tons of activities, a lot.

We did lots of horse riding and everybody was sore the next day.
There's also this mountain trail you can hike, called Top of the World, so we did that on sunday. It was Rom's idea and he was the first one to complain about his feet hurting, but to be fair he was also carrying Rose. The views from the top were amazing, you could see the entire ranch and even more magnificent mountains. We had a picnic up there, and Rose and I may or may not took a nap as well.

On monday we did some biking and wildlife viewing and then I did a ropes course, which was fun but I was bumped out when I found out I couldn't do the big course because I'm too short. At night, Lara and I had a sleepover, technically also with my baby sister but she was already sleeping, so doesn't count. This because Mama and Rom had a romantic dinner just the two of them. So we watched like two movies and ate tons of delicious food because Mama let me order room service.

On tuesday, we went to a rodeo where Mama sang the national anthem before the show started. No one expected that. The show involved a lot of different games, and a lot of cowboys in very colorful garments. It was very fun and we were cheering and clapping and screaming the entire time; Mama and I actually lost our voice a little bit because of it. 

Then there was a barbecue held for all of the guests. I liked that they not only had meat but also vegetables and a grand variety of casseroles because I wouldn't be able to survive only on meat. There was music and people doing more games and the show just went on. To top and finish off  the long fun day, there was a fireworks show. Everybody was sitting on chairs or the floor or in my case, laying on top of Romain, very comfy fyi; and we drank hot chocolate as well.

The wedding it self was very small, very intimate, very private; not more than 20 people, so it was basically just immediate family. That day Mama and I did some horse riding in the morning, which maybe was not the best desicion because we got very tired, but after a good one hour nap with Rose we were able to start getting dressed and ready.

Mama got her makeup and hair done, very simple and classy. Rom got his tuxedo on and he looked even more french somehow. Fenon and I were flower girls, so we got our matching lilac dresses on and Auntie Van made a little braid tiara with purple hair and then put flowers on it. Rose was the ring bearer, but since she is a baby and has to be carried, she shared the role with Uncle Hunter. Everybody looked so classy and nice in their dresses and suits.

You know the tradition where the husband doesn't see the wife in her dress until the last moment? Well Mama did that, but with all of us. Literally no one had seen her dress, not even Auntie Van or my Bubby's.

When she walked out she looked like royalty. Her dress was not exactly white, ot was something more like a pink-ish cream color, all satin. It was flowy but snatched at the same time. I don't really know how to explain it, but she looked gorgeous, breath-taking.

I could see Rom thought the same. I was standing next to him and his jaw was close to touching the floor. His eyes didn't leave Mama's for even a second, I even had to push him a bit so he would move and actually be in front of her during the ceremony, which made everybody in the audience laugh. 

The party was very fun, even with having a one month old with us. We danced a lot, sang a lot and Uncle Hunter and I ate until we were about to explode and we were not longer aloud to get close to any kind of food.

We left the ranch the next day, in the afternoon. I really wanted to visit the Glacier National Park. So we rented a car and the four of us went there.

This almost three days have been amazing, tiring but very memorable.
The first morning, after having breakfast, we did some hiking. We obviously couldn't spend that much time on it because of Rose, or at least not do it for long periods of time. Instead we stopped at every single place we were able to, and we had snacks and just admired the view.

The good thing is that there are different path trails, so we always went to a different one. We were also able to see a lot of animals from far away, from grizzlie an black bears, to moose to marmot and beavers. I wanted to hugall of them and Mama kept reminding me that that was not possible, which I obviously already know but I still wish I could hug them.

I brought my camera, and it ended up filled with videos and photos not only of people but of every single thing I could find. I'm glad Mama decided to bring an extra SD card, because otherwise I wouldn't have been able to take photos in the national park.

This was definitely a week to remember. Full of family time and full of celebration. Bad thing Rose will not remember any of it but when she is older she can look at all the photos and I can tell her about everything we did, I hope I don't miss or forget any details tho.

The plane is about to depart, but it's fine. I do want to go back to New York and be with Pancake, Maggie and Mr. Shelly Newton again.
Also want to go back to gymnastics, but that maybe after taking a three day break from the vacation.

I have also been going to the animal shelter on the weekends, as a volunteer. All I do is play with the dogs and cats, but there this puppy in particular that I love spending time with, I was even able to name her, Lucille Peanut (because she loves peanut butter). I'm working on a plan to convince Mama to adopt her, but who knows.

Hi :)

Finally a chapter! That was supposed to be posted way earlier but there were some technical difficulties.

I loved writing this and doing some reaserch and imagining all the activities, because Scarlett actually did them, the ranch ones at least.

But I hope you like it and I hope I get creative again and I'm able to write and post soon.

Stay safe <3

SofíaWhere stories live. Discover now