Scrapped elbows

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October 22nd, 2013. Taipei, Taiwan.

Scarlett's pov:
Ten more days of filming this movie that, no matter how much I'm enjoying it and how many times I've read the script, I still don't really understand what it is about. I mean I do, but I don't.

Sofí finished filming Annie about two weeks ago, and she was the happiest.
I remember that when she got the role, she told me how scared she was about recording the songs and then having to act while singing them and also dancing. Being honest I would've been very scared as well, very; doing a musical sounds like there's a lot of space to mess up, and messing up filming is not always funny.

But my baby girl did amazing and she finished after almost three months of filming.

Lara and her flew to Paris, like two days after finishing, after the whole cast and crew had a party. They had a very lazy week after they landed, where the only actual productive thing my daughter did was her three hours of school, of 5th grade. I keep saying this but I feel old, in a blink of an eye she went from 1st grade to 5th!

She deserved her sweet rest and her 12 hours of sleep every single night, and all the croissants and food she ate. Perks of living in Paris and having a bakery literally around the corner.

During that week, we finished filming in Paris, and now the only thing we have left is two weeks of filming here in Taiwan. I think the girls and I are going to stay here an extra week tho, we are excited to try new food and explore around the city.

Both Sofía and Lara love the fact that there is a lot of traveling involved in this job, and they love going out to explore for the entire day, even if that means their legs end up extremely sore. I love that too, so I bet that week we spend here is going to be one with a lot of walking involved.

~Sofía. Lara. Come on! I have go be on set in half an hour~ I rush the girls, or Sofí specifically.
~Your daughter was taking her sweet time choosing what shoes to wear~ Lara say from the corridor. Sofía rolling behind her.
~Let me guess, you were deciding between the black converse and the roller skates?~ I ask, seeing she has her purple roller skates on, but knowing very well that the other shoes ar eon her backpack. Those are literally the only shoes she wears, it's either barefoot or those two.
~I was gonna put something else, but this are comfy, and today I feel like rolling not walking~ she shrugs her shoulders.
Why do I even try to find more shoes for her if I'm still going to end up buying new roller skates every time she doesn't fi in them anymore?

Sofía's pov:
The location where Mama is filming right now is in a hotel. She is wearing an animal print skin tight dress, that she looks very funny and weird in, because those are not the kind of clothes she usually wears. But when you are acting you put on whatever clothes they give you.

Because of the trailers and the cameras and the everything, this whole street is closed, same as the next one, meaning that as long as I don't interfere with the cameras, I'm allowed to roll around with as much freedom as I can.

I've been trying to do this jump for some weeks now, but I just can't land it. It's not a particularly hard jump, I just have to jump over a not so small object. I've been doing it gradually. First it was just learning how to jump, then it was jumping over an eareser or something tiny, and slowly the object started to get bigger. Right now I'm at jumping four books.

~Hey, I need to go to the bathroom. Stay here and don't try to dot he jump alone. I'll be quick~ Lara tells me, pointing at the chair she was sitting in, telling me to sit there.
~I won't move~ I assure her.

She leaves and I don't see her anymore. I get up and prepare myself for the next attempt. I skate fast and jump, but I end up landing on my knees, tha kfully I have knee pads on.

I do one, two, three, four more jumps, but I don't land any of them.
I don't know why this is so hard to do, I should be able to land it without Lara's help, without having her holding my hands.

~One more, I can do it. Just jump high, keep tight and land. It's easy~ I tell myself.
I take a deep breath and start pushing myself with one foot, gaining velocity.
I get close to the books and jump. I keep my body tight and then... my feet touch the ground. Finally.

Scarlett's pov:
I have a small 5 minute break while the lights and cameras get adjusted.

I walk towards where Lara told me they where going to be, but in the way there I cross paths with Lara. She tells me she had to use the bathroom, and that she only left Sofía unattended for a couple of minutes, which is totally fine because she is ten years old, she knows how to follow directions, besides everybody here knows her, so it's not like she is actually all alone.

We start walking togheter, chatting about how hot it is for being october and how we both are craving for a nice cold beer. That until we see Sofía landing a jump in her roller skates, both Lara and I getting ready to cheer for her, until we notice Sofía is not stopping.

We start running towards her and Sofí starts screaming, losing control and rolling to her right.
She goes over some cables that are on the floor, making her trip and basically fly, landing on the floor, arms first followed by her pretty face. My poor daughter.

~Mama!~ Sofía screams, making my almost teleport to where she is.
~You're okay, you're okay. Just breathe baby~ I say picking her up.
Lara starts checking her up to see if there are any injuries, which there obviously are because this is Sofía we are talking about.

~It hurts~ my little girl sobs on my shoulder.
~Your elbows hurt?~ Lara asks. Sofía nods.
~Let's get you clean up~

While cleaning up the scratches on Sofía's elbows and nose, because that also got affected, there was a lot of whining and complaints. I don't know how she manages to get hurt like this even when she has protection on.

~So, what's the lesson?~ I ask.
~To listen to what I'm told~ Sofía says
~Exactly, so we can prevent what?~
~Any kind of accidents~
~Good girl, come on~

~Do you think I can jump to rows of... I don't know, three books?~ my crazy daughter asks.
~Don't push it~

How are you all?

I haven't really had lot of imagination or creativity for the chapters of this book, and this was the results of trying to write something. Hope you enjoy some fluff.

I do know what the next chapter is going to be about, so I'm excited for you to read it.

Also, what the hell happened in Mom?!
I'm emotionally destroyed.

Stay safe <3

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