More injuries

599 21 5

August 23rd, 2011. Tuesday. Detroit, Michigan.

Sofía's pov:

~Rachel? Can you help me up?~ I say as I try to jump to reach a high spot to sit.
~Sure honey, here?~ she say while she lifts me up and sits me.
~Yep, thank you~

We are on a meeting thing, I think. We are all gathered around, all the main cast and crew. Sam, our director, wanted to talk to us about what's going on with the movie, what is going great and what maybe needs some changes to get improved.

That's something I really like about Sam, he likes to keep everyone involved. He asks all of us every single day how are we feeling, if we are tired, if we are excited or anything like that. Then he also asks us if we liked this, if we liked that and all sorths of questions. He always makes you feel like your opinion matters, even if he is the director of the movie, even if he is our boss.

~So everything is going great, but I think in some scenes there could be a little bit of more emotion on your voices, you know in the scene where there's drama, in the scenes where you find about something important, on the twists of the story. How does that sound for everyone?~ He asks to all of us. 

Everybody answers with yeah, sure, okay or cool or something similar to that. He keeps talking and naming more things for a while. I try to keep my focus as much as I can, but got a little distracted on some parts because Mila was playing with my hand and that was making me a little sleepy.

~Okay, that's all we have totalk about, let's go get lunch!~ Sam says and everybody instantly cheers. Everybody here eats a lot, we all get hungry very fast and very easily.

I get carried to the lunch room to by Rachel. I'm very tiny so everybody can carry me around as I don't weight that much.


~Lara I have to go to the bathroom~ I whisper to her.
~Okay, want me to go with you?~
~No, I can go alone, just letting you know~
~Okay, be careful~ she tells me.

To get to the bathroom, I have to go up some stairs, cause the bathroom is on the second floor. I get to the bathroom and I do my bussines, clean my hands and head back to where everybody else is.

As I go down the stairs, my right foot slips on sometiing on the last two steps.

Lara's pov:

~AHHHHH!~ I hear someone scream in pain, which is followed by cries. Everybody stops talking and we look at eachother for a second.

~Sofía~ I say outloud as I get up from my chair and basically run towards the bathroom stairs, hearing more people following behind.

What I find is Sofía on the floor holding her left foot and crying very loud in pain.

~What happened Sofí? What hurts?~ I ask her kneeling a side of her and starting to stroke her back to help her calm down.
~I-IT HU-HURTS!~ she exclaims.
~Your foot hurts? Come here~ I gently pick her up so I can take her to a chair and I can actually take a look at her foot.

We get to the table and Rachel and Mila help move the vhairs so it's somewhat comfortable for Sofí. I try to put her down but she has a strong grip on me. I ask her if she wants to sit on my lap and let someone else check the injurie. Maybe having someone to hold makes her feels better. SHe nodds her head without stopping her crying and I slowly and gently moves her so I can sit and her back is on my chest.

~Can someone get the medci on set? Now!~ Rachel says loud enough for everyone to hear.
~We'll go~ Sam and Zach offer and they quickly leave the room.

~Honey can I take your shoe off? Just so I can check what happened okay?~ Mila asks Sofía and she nods barely being able to say yes.

I try to calm her down by holding her tight and I keep repiting the word "breathe" many times so she starts listening and she stops crying this bad. i get it hurts but she is not getting enough air righ now.

SofíaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora