Uncle Chrissy's birthday

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June 13th, 2014. Friday. London, UK.

Scarlett's pov:
My almost 11 year old is fully capable of organizing a surprise party in just two hours, with food and everything, but when I tell her to make her bed she can't even move the pillows.

Like four days ago Sofía remembered that today is Chris's birthday. He is turning 33 years old. My Evans is getting old, poor guy.

Today we have a busy day on set, 10 hors of filming to be exact, so Chris told us that all he wants is a vanilla-chocolate cake, and nothing else. He said that we were all gonna be tired by the end of the day, so maybe we could celebrate on sunday. But Sofía didn't agree with that.

My daughter being the Johansson she is, somehow convinced Whedon to cut those 10 hours into 9, all so she could have a chance to throw the party she planned.

She always manages to get whats he wants for some reason, and she does it in a nice and smart way. Her trick and talent is being excelent at proving her arguments, reason of why we have watched Eight legged freaks so many times. Don't even ask.

Right now we are in a break. Sofía is on top of Evans's shoulders trying to win a fight against Hemsworth, but she is laughing so much that she can barely keep her eyes open.

In about 15 minutes when we have to go back inside to set, Sofía and Lara will got to get all they need to decore the room that's typically used for lunch hour. Is one of the bigger ones, so we are not gonna be all cramped up like sardines.

Sofía's pov:
~We need ballons, confetti, garlands, the cake, and the food, okay? So first the party store~

~You really have all of this planned. Good job~
~Mama helped me with calling the store and restaurant~

~I know but you were the one who did all the reaserch and planning. I think you could be an excellent events planner is you want to~
~Nah, it's too much work~

We get to the store and Lara grabs a trolly. We pass thourgh each one of the hallways, grabbing at least one thing from each. Do we really need all of these? No idea, but everything looks pretty, so it's fine.

After about 40 minutes, we are done and paying for everything. We get back in the car with four bags full of colorful decorations.

Next we head to the restaurant Mama and I called to ask for some pasta and salad. Uncle Chrissy loves cheesy pesto pasta, so we are having his favorites for his party. I mean is the only logical thing right?

Then, at the bakery, we pick up his cake. I asked it to be decored disney theme, nothing that specific just a bunch of disney and pixar characters smash togheter in a cake.

When we get back to set, we realise it's already 5:30 pm. We took so long out there that now we have to put everything togheter in 30 minutes or less. Hopefully four people is enough for this to get done.

We start by taping and hanging everything that belongs on the wall or the ceiling, really hoping they don't fall.
Next we arrange the tables and chairs, putting the food in the farthest one, making sure it's still hot enough, and putting the plates and cutlery next to the trays.

We spend 10 minutes inflating ballons, getting dizzy after every single one, but good thing half of them have helium, so it was easier.

We take a last look at the whole room, seeing the finished product, proud of how good it turned out. Just in time we start hearing a lot of noise coming from outside and the next second I see Mama peaking her head through the door.

Scarlett's pov:
~And cut! That's it for today you all. Good job everybody~ Joss screams.

We all know about the party. Everyone except the birthday boy, obviously. So when Joss says this, Chris looks so confused and lost, he turns to llok at us and asks why are we done early.

I'm about to answer with some made up lie, when out of nowhere the rest of the boys run to him and carry him, almost droping him as well. Chris screams and tries to get out of their grip, but it's like five against one, so he loses.

We all walk towards the lunch room hoping everything is ready. I walk faster and open the door just to make sure we can come in. After checking in and getting a thumbs up from my daughter, I fully open the doors.

Chris get almost thrown into the floor, and we all scream
~Happy Birthday!~
He starts laughing and smiling and thanks everyone.

~Do I have to guess who planned all of this?~ he asked trying to look clueless. Obviously all of us turned to look at Sofí.
She didn't say anything, just smiled, but then Chris ran and tackled her, picking her up while spinning.

The room itself is fully decorated, from top to bottom. Everything is as colorful as it could be. Ballons here and there, and a few disney posters are hanging on the walls.
The food looks and smells amazing, and the cake also looks delicious.

~Thank you Sofs, I love it~ Chris says giving her a forehead kiss.
~Happy birthday Uncle Chrissy~ she says hugging back.
Their relationship is so precious and wonderful. I'm glad she has someone like him to relay on. And I hope Chris gives me some ideas for Sofí's birthday because I have no clue of what she wants and she has not request anything.

~I really don't want to sound mean or anything like that, but I'm kinda eating for two so I'm hungry... can we start eating?~ I say making my way to the delicious looking pasta.
~Oh go ahead, just please leave a bit for us to eat~ Chris jokingly says, which earns him a scary look from me.


Quick fluffy chapter I finished writing on the plane this morning.

I hope to write something more exciting next, but you are gonna have to wait some days for that since I'm on my little birthday trip and I won't have time to write.

Hope you all have an amazing weekend:)

Stay safe <3

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