Happy New Year

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Dream in italics. Dream set on the same day but in 2007.

January 3rd, 2012. New York City, NY.

Sofía's pov:
I'm back at that aparment. The one decorated with the old red furniture and the rug with the pretty design. The aparment that smells like cinnamon, coffee and cookies. The one I spent my first christmas at.

The small green tree with handmade ornaments hanging from it, is on a corner of the small living room/dining room next to the window. The family of deers made of wood is perfectly set kn the center of the table.

I can see a peak of sunlight coming through the curtains, it's early in the morning because the sun is just starting to show up from behind all the buildings of the city.

Last night I fell asleep earlier than usual, I remember because everytime I go to sleep the small hand of the clock in the wall is on the number 7, but last nigh it was closer to the number 6. I don't know what time it is right now, but I sneaked out of my room because I'm hungry. No one is awake yet, not Alia or Marcus or Ms. Dora.

Ms. Dora is my foster parent. I'm not sure what that is but she takes care of me, she is very nice. Alia and Marcus are the other kids she takes care of. Both of the are older, they already go to school, I don't, not yet.

Ms. Dora loves cooking, and she has taught us how to make eggs, pasta, cookies, bread and more things. Every friday night we bake or cook something all of us together and then watch tv. Like last friday, we made a cake because it was almost new years, so we baked that as an early celebration.

I walk towards Ms. Dora's room, that it's across mine. I try to open the door but I'm too short and I don't reach, so I go grab my little stool so I can stand on it and be able to open the door.

Once it's open, I walk towards the bed. I'm surprised she is still sleeping because she usually wakes up extra early. I go take her hand so I can maybe shake it and wake her, but her hand it's kinda cold, either way I start to move it a bit and start calling her name.

She doesn't respond or moves or anything. I go grab my stool again and put it next to bed; once I'm on the bed I go sit next to Ms. Dora. Her eyes are closed, she looks peaceful. I shake her by the shoulder a little bit, trying to wake her up, but I can't. It's starting to freak me out a little bit.

I go back to my room and wake up Alia and Marcus screaming at them. I'm really getting scared, Ms. Dora is never like this, she is always very active and happy. It's weird and it's scary, but I need help to know what's happening.

The three of us go back to Ms. Dora's room. Alia, been the oldest, goes to try wake her up again, but she can't. Marcus goes to jump on the bed, something we are not aloud to do on her bed because it's high and we could fall, but right now non of us cares about that. Seeing still no response, I start to freak out even more.

Tears fall from my eyes non-stop and I start to breath weirdly. I can't breathe. I see Alia going to the living room and I hear her picking up the phone and starting to talk to someone. After that I can't process anything that happens, all I do is crawl into the bed and hug Ms. Dora.

I feel someone touching me and than they speak, I can't hear anything but they pick me up for the bed and I cry and scream more. It's an adult. I don't know how long I've been here.

But I don't want to be here.

Scarlett's pov:
Cries of help and tiny screams wake me up at 3 am. I could barely hear it but I know it's Sofí.

SofíaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum