Father figure

392 19 6

May 6th, 2014. Tuesday. London, UK.

Sofía's pov:
I'm spending the day with Romain.

He came to visit us here in London since he doesn't have work right now that requieres him to be in Paris. He got here like three days ago and today Mama had to go back to work after her long free weekend, so I'm spending the entire day just with him.

There's no problem on that, not at all, I really like Romain, he is funny and nice and knows a lot of stuff, but I have absolutly no clue what we are gonna do or where are we gonna go. Let's say that he is not the best at planning things, and even when he really really tries it always ends up bad, reason of why Mama is always the one in charge on arrenging anything and everything.

Like this time when the three of us went to Switzerland and he accidently bought plane tickets for a different city and also on the wrong departure time, instead of buying the one for 10am he bought the ones for 10pm. Then this other time in NY, he almost messed up a reservation for dinner because he said the wrong time, but Mama was there so she corrected him. It's really funny how he can't do all of this even when he tries so many times, but I guess is just not his thing.

~Romain what are we doing today?~ I ask him while he is reading the newspaper.
~So I was thinking maybe we can freestyle, just go out and see what we come up with. Maybe that way nothing will go wrong, or not that much. What do you think?~
~It's always an adventure going out with you, so I'm in~

We decide to go find some food, and we end up in a small fish and chips place run by an old couple. All the food is delicious, so I'd say it is a good start of our day.

Next, we walk. Just walk. None of us know where we wanna go, like no idea. A museum? A park? Sightseeing? Who knows.

Romain realizes we are close to one of the most popular historic sites, so we walk in that direction. He said he has been there before, but it was many years ago and he barely remembers any of it. I have never seen it from up close, only from far away in the few occasions we were driving by.

We enter and he pays for our tickets. Something similar between the two of us, is that we prefer exploring by ourselves than having a tour guide, so we just got the regular tickets.

We start wandering around, stoping to read every single sign there is, trying to understand and learn as much as we can.
I learn that  as a whole, the Tower is a complex of mutiple buildings set within two concentric rings of defensive walls and a moat.

I also learn that part of the castle was used as a prison, first in the 15th and 16th centuries, and then again during both world wars. In my opinion that seems kinda scary, knowing people died there gives me the chills.

The last room we visit is The Jewel House. The crown, scepter, sword and many many more jewels are kept here. The artifact that steals the spotlight is obviously the first one, the crown. It's made of gold and encrusted with various gems that make it look extremely expensive. It also looks big and way too heavy for anyone, but I guess it's fine if it's only used in certain events.

After three hours of walking and discovering, we are finally done, and very tired. We wanted to sit somewhere nice, but all the benches were occupied and you can not sit on the grass of the pretty gardens. We start heading out, we are gonna find a park with nice grass to lay on, and rhen we hopefully find food because I'm also getting hungry.

~Come on, there's a park two blocks away~ he says grabbing my hand.
~My feet are starting to hurt, and I'm getting hungry~ I say whining and making puppy eyes.
~Are you that tired?~ he asks and I just nod my head with a pouting face.
Out of nowhere I feel myself getting lift up from the ground, which ends in me sitting on top of Romain's shoulders.
He carries me the rest of the way.

We end up laying on the ground watching the sky. We start playing the typical game of trying to see figures in the clouds. I find a frog and some cheese, and he finds a flower and a bus.

We get so into it that we don't notice the tiny drops of water falling on our faces; not until they become bigs drops of rain. In the matter of a second the sky starts falling right above us.

We get up and walk fast trying to find shelter, which we successfully fail to do for about 15 minutes until we finally find a restaurant not so full of people, where qe can sit and both eat and dry up.

~Your Mama is gonna kill me if you get at least a sneeze from this~
~An revive you and kill you again if I actually get sick~

Hi! How are you all?

Shorter chapter than usual but I like it, besides it was all I could think of while being stucked in the bus for an hour.

Stay safe <3

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