Hitchcock, stars and galas

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May 2nd, 2012. Los Angeles, California.

Scarlett's pov:
I can't believe this day is finally happening.

My mom, my grandmother and Fenon, my little sister, flew from New York two days ago. My other siblings were not able to come due to scheduling problems, but they have been calling the entire morning.

A couple of months ago, my manager got a call. Later he, the rest of the team and me had a meeting to gear about the news.
Turns out I'm getting my star on the walk of fame in hollywood.

That is something I had dreamed of for so long. Being recognized this way is a huge milestone not only on my career but on my life as well.

Telling Sofí about it was the best thing. The first time she walked through hollywood and saw the starts on the floor, she ask why I didn't have  a star there, and after that she has always ask when am I getting one. So the night during dinner I told her about it, she crushed me into a hug and would not let go of me. I knew she was going to be happy but I never thought she was going to cry, but a couple of tears did fell out of her eyes, which made me cry a bit as well.

Right now I don't know who is more excited, Sofía or I. She has been counting down the days since she found out. She marked it with a green big circle on her calendar, and every day she reminds me how many days are left.
Today she woke me up jumping on the day and screaming basically on my ear, almost leaving me deaf.

~Okay, are we all ready?~ I ask everyone so we can finally leave. I can't be late.
~YES, MOVEEEEE~ Sofí screams and basically pushes us out of the house while grabbing Fenon by the hand.


A lot of people are gathered in here, the entire side walk and part of the avenue is crowded. My family is sitting next to the covered star, while I'm standing behind the small podium they set up.
The man in charge of this event goes up and says a few words about what the star represents and about why they chose me for this honor. I try to pay attention to what he is saying, but to be honest my nerves are eating me so it's hard to concentrate.

Then Jeremy, who is here in support, goes up to say some words about how is it working me and stuff like that. Honestly I just hope he doesn't say something to embarrassing, I know him pretty good and he knows me pretty good as well, meaning he has seen me at ugly and very laughable times.

I hear my name been called by him and people start clapping and cheering, it's my turn to speak.
I go up and start by saying thank you to everyone for coming and then proceed to say the little speech I prepared. I would like to say I didn't wrote last night in my bathroom, but that would be a lie.

At one point I mention my family, and when I turn to look at them they all have tears slidingdown their cheeks, specially my little girl, which makes me have to take a deep breath so I don't start bawling my eyes out in front of this many strangers.

We go in front of the podium, and then they uncovere the star. It's so magical seen it there. My name engraved on the floor of this iconic location. And been next and with so many more incredible people, is an honor.
When this happens everyone cheers, but I can clearly hear Sofí's scream. She really does have a loud voice.

They take some pictures of me, some with Renner and then some with my family.
I stand in the middle carrying Fenon, while Sofí is standing in front of me and each of the two most important women of me life stand by my sides. A moment I'll never forget.

May 14th, 2012. Los Angeles, California

Sofía's pov:
Mama finally got her star! That happened almost two weeks ago, but it doesn't feel like that at all.

We are on set of her movie, Hitchcock.
I learned that Alfred Hitchcock was a very famous movie director. Remember the movie Psycho? Well that's one of his movies. And now this new movie is about the making of that old movie.

Mama is playing the role of the actress that was the main character in the old movie, Janet Leigh.
She has to wear a wig and funny looking underclothes, because that's what women wore at the time rhe film was made. It looks uncomfortable for me, but Mama says is not that uncomfortable.

I remeber the first day we came to set, Mama was way too excited to meet on of the other actresses,  Helen Mirren. I wanted to meet Anthony Hopkins, because he is the scary crazy man from 'Silence of the Lambs"; I think I wnated to know if he was actually that scary, but he is not, he is very smart and very fun to be around. He has even told me about secrets and tips of been an actor.
Also all the adults, no matter how old they are, told me to call them by their first names, they said it makes them feel more old if I call the Mr  or Ma'am.

I have to do school and take my spanish class every single day, so even if Mama has to work for at least eight hours, I spend half of the time on her trailer. At least I get to see some stuff, and the director, Sacha, let's me sit next to him on one of the chairs behind cameras, so I get to see right throught his perspective. It's very cool seeing how some scenes are basically a movie inside a movie, like they even film the stage they are filming at and then there are more scenes that show the scenography and the green screens.

Also, like a week ago, we went back to New York. Mama had a very important gala and I had two auditions. I have just heard back from one of those and I had a call back,  I don't know anything about the other one tho, which means I most likely didn't get pick.

The dress Mama wore to the gala was so beautiful. It was a custom made one that had a lot of little and big rhinestones of many different colors on the top part, and hen the bottom part of it was not tight, because it was made of a different material, I think it was called tul.

The gala is called The Met Gala, and Mama told me is on of the biggest fashion events of the year. People get invited to go and there is a different then every year, but I don't remember the theme of this year.
I have been to the Metropolitan museum of art before, Mama took me once. The outside of it it's pretty on itself, but the inside is even better and all the painting and sculptures and more are amazing. I love going to museums, my ravprote one is the one of natural history. They have dinosours in there.

I ask Mama if I could ever wear a dress like the one she wore. A dress that beautiful and astonishing. She said I can, not now because I'm still very small and young, but someday when I'm older I totally can.
I ask her if I could wear the dress she wore, the same exact one. She first thought about and kinda though I was not being serious, but I was not joking.

She promised me that she would keep it for me, so maybe one day in the future I can wear it and look as pretty as my Mama did.


So first, I start in person school next monday, which means I'll probably won't be able to post as much as I have been doing, but I promise I'll try my best to update the story at least two times a week.

Second, I want to add some more drama to the story, and I have an idea for that, but before that chapter I have some more of fluff and normal stuff, about three ideas for those chapters.

Do you want another drama chapter before those three of fluff? And if so about what? Because I been trying to think about something and nothing comes up.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter and that you are having a great day

Stay safe <3

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