Fun on set

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June 20th, 2011. Monday. Albuquerque, New México.

Scarlett's pov:
It's Sofí's 8th birthday in a few days, but I have work that day, we all do. I was feeling bad about it cause I want my baby to have the best day, but she said it was fine. I mean is not like we are not going to do anything that day, she is still going to have her birthday breakfast and there's still going to be cake and presents, but that's going to happen on set. We agreed on doing something to celebrate it the 25th, so saturday, because we all just have to work on the morning and then we are free. I have no idea what we are going to do that day but Sofía still has a couple of days to decide.

Today miss smarty pants doesn't have school, because she finished all of her final projects and homework and is again ahead of the rest of her group, which is about 6 more kids, but still, she is getting all this free days where she just gets one assignment but doesn't get more cause otherwise she would've already finished 2nd grade like 4 months ago.

This is her last week on 2nd grade which is very exciting. My baby is growing. She is extremely happy about having summer break, mainly because it lasts two and a half months, but I know my little nerd will do some sorth of school work during that time, simply because she can and she wants to. She is also extremely excited for having her first acting job.

Remember that 2nd audition, that she got a call back for? Well she got the role. We got the call a friday night and Sofí cried of happiness and I cried because she cried and obviously because of how proud I am of her. She has to be on set for two weeks, she starts on July 10th and we have to go back to New York for that.
The problem with this were our schedules, I have and she has work but I have to be with her. The good thing is I managed to get that first week off so I can be with Sofí the entire time, and the second week I will have to come back to New México for three or four days and then go back to New York for the last two days on set for Sofí.

I'm gonna be kinda dead by end, maybe, but between the two cities there is only a two hour difference and I've been through worst ones so I will be fine, and all of it it's worth it.

This morning when I asked Sofía what was she going to do while on set she said she will take photos of all of us. See, for christmas she asked for a camera. She had told me she wanted to have memories of everything that happened in her life. I understand why she wants this, she doesn't have that many pictures of the first 6 years of her life, and she really wishes she had more. That's the why of the camera, but she didn't only get one, cause we also got her a videocamera, so now she blogs every single one of her adventures. My mom also got her an old vintage camera that actually works, but Sofí says it's too pretty and she doesn't want to damage it, so she has it on display in her room instead.

Right now we are on a lunch break from filming, it's currently 1 pm and we've been working since 6 am so the big break it's much needed.

~What are you eating baby?~ I ask Sofí while she looks at the catering of today.
~Mmm... brussel sprouts!~ she says.
~And what else? You can't only eat brussel sprouts you know~
~Look they have salmon, can I have that?~
~You sure can, come one let's go find a sit with the boys~

After we are done eating there's still time left to chill or do nothing at all, and we were doing just that. We were all talking about how we were when we were younger, around Sofí's age or so. Sofía was curious about it, she said she already knew my stories but didn't know everybody else's.

But in the middle of the conversation I got a phone call from Marcel, my publicist and I had to get up from the table and answer, leaving Sofí alone with a bunch of boy grownups.

Sofía's pov:
Mama went away to answer Marcel's phonecall and left me with Uncle Chrissy, Uncle Robert and all my now other uncles.

Today I brought both of my cameras. I've been taking photos of everyone. I have several of Mama getting her hair and makeup ready; some of everybody talking with Mr. Joss the director before they started filming the first scene; some other random ones from when they were acting; and then more of me and more people from set doing random faces.

I've also been recording moments of them acting. They look really cool but it's also very funny sometimes, cause they have to imagine some of the bad guys and then act out of what they imagine. They fight air a lot of times or people in green bodysuits, but you have to be very quiet on set so you have to keep yourself from dying of laughter.

~Can we have a dance party?~ I ask everyone.
~Sure, when do you want to have it Sofí?~ Uncle Tom asks.
~Now. You still have time right?~
~You wanna have a sance party right now?~ Uncle Robert asks.
~We do still have some time, like maybe 10-15 min before we have to go back to filming~ Uncle Chrissy says.

We stand up and go leave our plates back at the crafty room. We then go to the trailers area and Uncle Robert takes out a speaker out of his trailer and he starts playing the music he knows I like to dance to.

I put my videocamera on the stairs of one of the trailers and we just starts dancing and playing around.

Scarlett's pov:
Marcel called me about a photoshoot with vanity fair for the december issue of this year. Been on this business for a long time and still don't understand why they have the photoshoots so early on.

Anyways, I go back to the table outside of crafty but I find no one in there. I'm about to call Chris but I start hearing "One way or another" by Blondie from the distance as I approach the trailers.

Sofía loves that song to the point she can listen to it 30 times a day without getting tired of it, so I know it her listening to it.

What I was not expecting to find was all of the boys, literally all of them dancing around with Sofía. Some of them were like on the background and they it was the two Chris's basically passing round Sofía while they turn and throw her into the air making her laugh very loud.

I just stand there watching them goofing around, without making a sound so they don't know I'm here, that until I notice the Sofí's videocamera is on and recording them. She is going to keep this video forever and then show it to everyone she can until the end of times. She is never going to let them forget about it.

I crack a loud laugh and everybody turns to look at me, which makes me almost fall to the ground because of how much I'm laughing. Their faces when they saw me! HAHAHA

Now I'm never going to let them forget their faces on that moment.

Hi everybody!

How was your weekend?

Mine was good cause I got to spend it with one of my best friends and we went to a restaurant to eat pizza and it was so delicious! After that we just sat on the couch and watch movies and ate a lot of junk food.
The only bad thing is that I got my booster vaccine on friday and I had a headache the entire day and my arm still hurts, but honestly it could've been way worst.

Anyways, I really wish there were some sorth of video of them dancing around on set like I described it because I can really picture them playing round like that.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter 🙃

Stay safe <3

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