Hide and Seek

361 20 13

June 10nd, 2012. Sunday. Los Angeles, California.

Sofía's pov:
I'm tired but I don't know why, and I don't like that.

We are on set for another one of Mama's movies, but today Lara is not in here because she had to go back to her family for something important, so it's just Mama and I.

I don't have school or any classes today, so I'm just going to be sitting on set while Mama works. But I don't want to be here, I want to be somewhere else.

I don't want to tell Mama that I'm feeling weird because she is working, so I keep it to myself.
I have two books with me and my IPad in case I want to watch something. I also have snacks and I'm sitting on a comfy chair.

We've been in here since 8am and I already took a nap, but that didn't help, I still want to be somewhere else. I don't know where and i don't know why I feel like this.

I thought I wanted to sleep more but I didn't. And I do want to see Mama work, because I love seeing her act, but I'm feeling too... not happy. I keep trying to focus on something but I just can't.

I feel someone touch my shoulder and it scares me, but then I see is Mama and I relax. She tells me it's time to go for a late lunch, and when she says that I realize I'm hungry, my tummy is growling.

During lunch, we see another girl. She is the kid of one of someone from the crew, I remember seeing her a couple of days ago, but that was when we are all leaving. She and her mom are sitting on th same table as we are, and some minutes later we start talking to each other.

After I'm done eating my veggies and pasta, I ask Mama if I can go play outside, since the lunch room is right next to an open area with grads and tress. She says yes but she also reminds me to not go far from where she is.

The girl's name is Ana and she is a year older then me, so she is 9.
We decide to play hide and seak, with her first hiding and me seaking. But first we set up a perimeter: to our right, we can't go farther then the lunch room, and to our left, we cant go farther than the white bench.

I count to from 1 to 20, not too fast and not too slow. When I finish I open my eyes and I turn around. I first start looking around without moving from the safe spot, just incase she is not that good at hiding and I can find her from here.

As much as I stand on my tippy toes I can't see anything, so I start walking around. But I can't find her. I looked behind some bushes, behind some set equipment, inder the white bench, I couldn't find her.

As I was getting closer to the lunch room, hoping maybe she was there. I hear a laugh and then someone running. I turn around and see she is close to the three we marked as the safe spot. I run as fast as my legs go, but I don't make it in time and she wins.

I ask her where was she hiding, because I looked all over the left side, the side she ran from and I found nothing. She proceeds to laugh very loud and I can't seem to figure out why is she laughing, and just look at her like if she is crazy.

She says she saw me looking for her and that she laughed, but thankfully she was perfectly far away so I couldn't hear her. She points to the spot she was hidden in, and that place crosses the limit of the white bench, and by a lot.

She cheated.

I tell her she didn't play fair, so that means she lost and I win. This does not make her happy and she starts to say she is the winner.

Mama always tells me to be polite, even when the other person is wrong and I know I'm right. She told me, that sometimes when we let the anger take over us, we don't realize what we are saying anymore,  and we could be saying something we can regret.

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