China doll

475 17 3

July 20th, 2011. Wednesday. New York City, NY.

Sofía's pov:
The last week and a half have been amazing!
Acting is very tiring but it's also very fun to do.

I was already familiarized with been on set and having to be quiet and having to wait and all of that, this is not my first time on a set, but his time I'm the one who has to go to hair and makeup trailer and then has to get changed into that day's outfit, and then has to go to set and then has to act and take whatever instructions I'm given.
I was used to seeing Mama doing all of this and she did look very tired sometimes but part of me didn't think it would be this tiring, and I only work 6 hours a day, not 10-14 like Mama does.

I've already learned a lot from everybody in here. Some about acting it self, some about cooking and baking and some about what to do when you get locked out fo your house, apparently windows are always the first choice.
Everybody is here is very very nice, they all treat me great.

One day, when I was on break I stayed to watch the scene that was been shot. Michael, our director, let me sit on his chair so I could see from close how things got done behind the camera, and then they also let me sit on one of the camera chairs. I obviously didn't record anything but it was cool seeing the scene through the lens of the camera.

This whole industry (as Mama told me it's called) is very magical. There are so many things that you would think are very complicated but in reality they are not, and then there are things that look easy bit requiere and lot of thinking and practice. Everything is hard but easy and just not how you would imagine. I love it!

Also, something really exciting happened four days ago at 8am.

I was sitting om the couch at my trailer with Allison. Yes, I have a trailer... weird. We got to set a bit early that day so we were just taking our time.
Suddenly Allison gets a call, so she takes it. I couldn't see who was calling her but by the look of her face she first was confused and then she got excited.

I wanted to know what was happening but I didn't want to say or ask anything that could interrupt her, I just waited.

She then said her goodbye and turned to look at me with a look of shock and surprise and something else that I don't know the word to.

~Alli what happened? Something bad?~
~Nop, the opposite of that, something amazing~
~Tell me, please!~ I said getting impatient.
~Remember Marcel mentioning something about about the wizard of Oz?~
~I think? Maybe. Not really. What about it?~
~Well there is a movie been made about the wizard of Oz, been made by Disney, and they still don't have an actress for one of the characters, and Marcel and I may have sent one of your self tapes to the casting directors, and they might have watch it and liked it and might have called back Marcel to offer you an actual audition to see if you fit the role as one of the final runner-ups~ she said kinda fast, very smiley.

I stayed quiet for a moment. My jaw on the floor and my eyes wide opened.

~Disney?~ I asked.
~Yes Sofí, Disney. And if you want to, you can do the audition tomorrow. It's soon but I think they start filming in august, so in like two weeks~
~Is this real?~ I said with tears treatning to leave my eyes.
~Sweetie it is really. Believe it, cause that's how good of an actress you are. So you want want do try it out?~ she said hugging me and putting me on her lap.
~Yes~ I said finally letting the tears fall and hugging her.

After staying like that for a bit and I had to call Mama to give her news, even tho she might of had already heard them from Marcel, but she hadn't call so most likely not.

When I called her I cried more and she sounded very happy as well. She had just arrived to set and she was with Uncle Evans and Auntie Cobie, so she was so excited that she told them and they also got excited and congratulated me as well. We talk on the phone for some more minutes and then the both of us had to go.

I want to see Mama so bad! We've been apart for four days counting today  it hasn't been as bad as the last time but I still miss her a lot, even tho we talk on the phone like 4 times a day.
But she is coming back tomorrow.

The audition went great.
I was very nervous because I had no time to prepare, but Allison explained to me what the character is about and it turns out I actually have to act more with my voice, cause you will not actually see me on the movie you will see a little china doll.

For the audition I just had to read a few lines that were sent by email to us. And the casting directors and director of the movie told me I did great at it, that I have great expressions with both my face and voice.
Afterwards they told us they would call back in a few. I had no idea how long that was going to be but we had to wait.

The next day, so yesterday, they called back. The started by saying that they put a lot of tought into their decision mainly because it was the only character that didn't have an actor yet and they needed one like two months ago. They followed by saying how much they liked my voice, they said that it was mature but still very kid like, very young. I have a sorth of raspy voice which they said they hadn't thought the character to have that kind of voice but that they love the idea of a little china doll to have a voice not 100% girly.

After 10 minutes of the call they told me they want me to play the China girl in the movie.

I couldn't believe it so little tears came out of my eyes but I was still able to say thank you to all of them. I said thank you like 20 times.

They then said they will send more info to Allison via email, but they did told us that we start filming on august 8th, so at least I have like two weeks to rest before having to work again, and I'm gonna be able to go to Maya's 8th birthday on July 28th.

It's so crazy that I got a second job this quickly. Mama and all my uncles told me this happens very rarely at the start of your career, so even tho I earned it fair and square, luck did had something to do, but they also told me that I should take it as a good sign.

And that's what I'm going to do.


How are you all?

Did you see Scarlett's tiktok? Do you think she has actually seen the edits and pov's and all?

I believe the tiktok part but I really doubt she has seen anything on wattpad, maybe someone has mentioned something but I just can't imagine her in here hahaha.

Hope you like the chapter btw, it's kinda boring but it's the only thing that came out of my mind.

Stay safe <3

SofíaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora