Horses and shopping

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April 10th, 2010, Saturday. New York City, NY.

Scarlett's pov:
I open my eyes and instantly feel a weight on top of me and the memories from last night come back. I move the covers a little bit, very carefuly, and see a sleeping Sofía, holding Marble very tightly and close to her body. One of my arms is numb, the one holding Sofía's side, and I really want to move it but I also don't want to wake up my little girl, so I decide to stroke her hair to see if she wakes up. Couples of minutes later she starts to open her eyes very slowly and she lookes at me.
~Hi sleepy girl, you feeling better?~ She nods her head and moves a little to cuddle more comfortably. I sit up a bit as well, and we just stay here in silence for around 15 minutes.

~Do you wanna go have breakfast? We can make... eggs? Sunny side up?~ I ask her lifting her chin so I can see her face.
~Yes, with bacon and tortillas?~ We bought flour tortillas and Sofía was very excited about it.
~Sure, with all the flour tortillas you want!~ I start to get up and notice Sofí is not letting go of me, so I just carry her, she doesn't weight that much since she is very tiny.
We get to the kitchen and start cooking with Sofía sitting on the counter, and we are great cooks cause our breakfast was delicious. We chill for a while before getting ready for our day, I got the idea of taking Sofí to a stable. Last time we had lunch she showed me a book from the library that said everything about horses, and she told she had only seen them on the tv but not in real life, so why not take her to see some? She comes into my room all dressed and ready and I remeber that I had told my self before I was going to buy her more clothes cause she doesn't have many, so we can do that tomorrow. We get to the car and I tell her that if she wants to take a nap she can, the ride to the stable is going to be at least an hour long, so she nods her head and closes her eyes, she has no idea were I'm taking her.

The drive wasn't as long as I thought it would be. I park and look at the girl sleeping in the back, I get out of the car and go to the side Sofía is in, oppening the door and slowly waking her up.
~Sofí? We are here, wake up sweetie~ she opens her eyes and inmediatly starts looking at the surroundigs.
~Where?~ she asked while I was unbuckling her seat belt and helping her out of the car.
~It's a surprise, let's go inside to find out~
I had called yesterday to let the people incharge know we were coming, and they were very nice to reserve the entire stable just for the two of us, I still don't want people to find out about Sofía, the only people that know about her are my family and my closest friends, but none of them have met her, she is not ready for that yet; she speaks normal to me now, but it took some time for her to reach that point, so I really don't want to rush anything.
We get inside of the front of the stable, and there are a lot of pictures of horse as well as some medals and trophies.
~Horses? We are seeing horses?~ She says after loudly gasping in amaze.
The woman in charge of this place greets us and then takes us to see all the horses while also explaining a bit of information about them.
We pass in front of a gorgeous white horse and Sofía stopswlking and just stares at it. I see the horsemoving its head closer to Sofí and I thought she was gonna be scared but no, she holds her hands in front of the horse and gently pets it, it was so cute.

We ended up each riding their own horse, cause Sofía wanted to do it on her own and she did great according to Samantha (the one in charge). We spent around 3 hours there, Sofía also brushed the horses and watch how to clean them, she was so happy. 
It's not surprise that in the way back she's taking a nap again, I am exhausted so I bet she is as well, very.

The rest of the evening we do nothing but cook, read, talk and watch Wall-E, one of my favorite movies. When it was time for Sofí to go to bed she refused to go to her room, I guess she was scared of having another nightmare, so I let her sleep in my bed again.

April 11th, 2010. Sunday. New York City, NY.

Sofía's pov:
Today I woke up kinda late, at 10am, and Scar and I had cheese quesadillas for breakfast. I didn't have a nightmare last night, Scarlett makes me feel safe so i guess sleeping with her again worked, also I dreamed about yesterday, I saw a horse! A real one! And then I rode it!

Now we are on our way to the mall. Scar told me last night that we are going shopping for clothes. I tought about telling her to not spend more money on me, that the few clothes I have are enough, but I know she will end up winning if I tell her, so I just accept the fact that I'm getting new stuff, and that I get to pick them myself.

I feel the car stopping and I start taking my seat belt off, then Scar helps me out of the car, and pputs a hat on her head and one on mine, and tells me to not take it off. We enter the mall and it's a big place, so I clench her hand stronger, I don't want to get lost. While walking I notice a lot of store, like a lot, but we don't go inside any of them, instead we go inside one that has a lot of bright colors. 
~Okey Sofí, you can pick whatever you think you need or want, you can also try them on just to see they actually fit, sounds good?~ I nod and we start walking more towards the back of the store.
I start looking at stuff with Scar's help. After 15 minutes I had already picked three t-shirts, a long sleeve, a sweater, some pj's and two pairs of jeans. I'm about to tell Scarlett that is enough but then I see a pretty red dress that caughts my eyes.
~That's very pretty, do you want to try it on?~ She asks me and I just look at her unsure if to say yes or not.
~You can try it on, and if you like it we'll buy it, don't worry about it okay?~ I give her a nod and she grabs one of the dresses in my size.
We go to the dressing rooms and Scarlett aks if she is comfortable with her going in with me, to which I say yes. We go inside and I start trying on the clothes, one of the t-shirts is to big and the dress is a bit big as well, which makes me sad, but Scar calls one of the workers and asked them to please bring the two items in a size smaller. They bring them after a minute and this ones fit perfectly, I love them a lot.
~You want all of this or did you not like something?~

~I liked them all... please~

~then we'll buy them all, let's go~

She pays for everthing after also picking out a pair of black sneakers that I liked a lot.
~Thank you a lot Scarly
~You are very welcome my wormy~

We got back at the apparment and ate and played a little bit. 
She brought me back to my apparment at around 7pm, cause tomorrow I have school. I left some of the clothes at Scar's cause they wouldn't fit in here and I also don't want them to ruin, those are safer at her home. 
I want to see her again, I miss her already, I hope we can spend way more time together soon.

Hi! How are you all?

I have so many ideas for this books, like I think I'm even gonna start writing chapters that belong to other years, and not only 2010, cause my plan is to write about Sofía growing up til today, so write about her life begging at 6 years old to her life at 18 years old, there's gonna be way to many chapters in thsi books hehe.

Hope your life is going great, and if not I'm always here if you need someone to talk to.

Stay safe :)

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