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July 6th, 2013. Saturday. Copenhagen, Denmark.

Scarlett's pov:
I'm taking my daughter, her bestfriend and my twin brother to Denmark, and the first two have no clue.

So, my dad is danish, and right now he is living in the capital of the country. He lives there for some months and then comes back to New York and then he goes back to Europe.

The point is, I told him a couple months ago that I wanted to go visit him, and I also hadn't actually been to the country since I was a teenager, so I miss it. He said we could go whenever we wanted, all we had to do was let him know beforehand.

I asked my siblings who was available to go, and sadly only Hunter is free during this week, but we promised each other we would all go togheter sometime, and bring mom and my grandmother along because why not.

Hunter knows where we are going, but neither of the two girls know. I didn't let them see the plane tickets, which they were trying to get out of my backpack; and I literally put headphones with loud music on them so they couldn't hear the pilot saying the destination. I'm determined to surprise them the way I planned to.

Last year, Sofí went with Maya and her family to México, and it was their birthdays present from Erasmo and Macarena. This year, is my turn to take them on a trip as a birthday present.
My baby girl already turned 10, she just did like ten or something days ago, which is mind blowing and makes me feels old, but she is growing and I can't stop that. Maya's birthday is in like two weeks, which is also mind blowing because I've known that girl since she was a three week old baby.
But I'm incredibly happy I get to watch my daughter and niece grow and keep learning and discovering things about life.

Oh yeah, Maya now calls me Tía or Aunt, and Sofia calls Macarena the same, and she calls Erasmo Tío or Uncle. We have spent so much time with each others families, that we are now family as well.

We are on the first class section of the plane, and the seats here are big and have their own booth. Maya and Sofí are obviously sitting next to each other, while Hunter and I are sitting on the two seats on the right.
They keep trying to log into the section of the screen where you can see the trajectory of the plane, but I told them so many times to not do that because I didn't want them to ruin the surprise, that they haven't.

We are going across the ocean so the flight is not a short one, but finally after basically 8 hours, we landed. And once again, I made the girl's put the headphones in so they couldn't hear a thing.

We get off the plane and thankfully we can walk like normal people, since here paparazzi are rarely seen.
I see how the girls are paying very close attention to the surroundings, trying to find out where they are. They no longer have the headphones, so they hear everything.

~Velkommen til København, Danmark~ a voice says through the loudspeakers of the airports. It's a voice recording that plays every couple minutes, saying welcome to the city to everyone arriving.

~That's the language granpa speaks, Maya we are in Denmark!~ Sofí says very loudly and excited, grabbing Maya by the shoulders and shaking her.
Hunter and I just laugh.
~Surprise~ we both say, earning a hug from both girls.

~Do I get a hug or...?~ a deep manly voice says. My dad.
~Granpa!~ Sofí now screams and runs to his arms. Then Maya does the same. My dad loves kids and well he gets to play with both girls every single time they see each other, so they are all super excited.

~Who is ready to have an awesome week! And get the twins to carry everything we are going to buy!~ my dad shouts while he carries a girl on each hip, who cheer at the thought of seeing us, the twins, been their lackeys for the entire trip.

Kinda makes us regret coming here.

July 11th, 2013.

We are at the Tivoli Gardens,a famous amusement park in the city, and guess who is carrying tha bags? The twins.

We've been here literally since it opened, at 11am, and it's now 5pm and the girls and my dad are still going.

I'm making it sound like I'm a partypooper, which I'm not. I've been to all the rides with the girls, and I've enjoy them all, even the ones that almost give you a heart attack, which may I add we only went to because the minimum height is 126cm and Sofía is exactly that height, Maya is a couple of centimeters taller.

~Mama I'm hungry~ Sofí tells me right after we get down from that ride that drops you from I don't know of how many meters. Great ride, great ride.
~And what are you craving?~ Hunter asks.
~Tía can we get something danish?~ Maya asks.
~Oh there's this restaurant that has been here since forever, come on is not far away, it's call Grøften~ dad says starting to pick up his pace.

He was right, the food was great, and the restaurant is also very pretty and comfortable to be in.

We also decide to get some churros, because Hunter wanted churros; and then the girls wanted traditional danish sweets, so we also got some; and my dad wanted ice cream, so he got ice cream.

Guess who is the one that ended carrying everything sk they could eat their dessert in peace... me. And all because I ate a big lunch and I'm full.

Sofí and Maya did share some of their candy and gave them to me, and my dad also made me try his ice cream. Hunter ate his churros in peace without actually sharing.

Good thing I love them all to pieces because otherwise they would be carrying me.

But we also still have time to go to the bumper cars. I love me some bumper cars. And since there are two more adults, each girl is going with them and I'm getting a car for myself. Revenge.

I really wish we could spend more time in here, but we all have to get back to work. Except Maya, she is normal.

I have to go back to set in Cleveland for the second captain america movie. Sofí has a photshoot and then she starts rehearsals for Annie, which I'm so excited and proud of her. Hunter is working on some project of his, no idea exactly what. And dad is an architect, so he kinda is always working.

Goot thing is we said we were gonna take advantage of this trip and do as much as we can, which we have, that's why by 9pm we are all dead and ready to sleep.

We have two more full days in this beautiful country, and we are spending them explore the rest of the city we haven't been to.

Quality family time like this always makes me forget about the test of the world and about all and any problems happening in my life. This are moments I love and that I will cherish forever.


I'm alive 😁

I didn't post during this week because school was just too much. Between the tests, and homework and team projects and classes and sarcastic teachers, I just didn't time or energy to write something I liked.

I think that's why I wrote this chapter, just some happy moments with the fam. And the next chapters are most likely going to be happy or fluffy ones as well. Leave some ideas if you have any.

I hope you all are great and that you enjoy reading the chapter.

Stay safe <3

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