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April 28th, 2010. Thursday. New York City, NY.

Sofía's pov:
We flew back home yesterday. Mama has to be at the White House tomorrow. She is going to a dinner there, she was invited. She is taking Uncle Hunter with her. And she is leaving in 20 minutes.

Scarlett's pov:
Today has been hard already and it's just 9 am.

Hunter and I are going to Washington to attend the White House Correspondents' Dinner, which we are both very honored to be able to attend. But the problem is that we are staying there for at least three full days. Sofía is staying with her Grandma and her Grand-Bubby. I don't get why my daughter gets to call her Bubby but my siblings and I never could. I guess os true that Sofia is the favorite.

Sofia and I have never been apart from each other for more that half a day, not since the whole addoption process started. I have no idea how either of us will react, but I'm specially concerned about her.

Sofia is a very independent little girl for her age. She is my little baby, but she enjoys doing things on her own.
She never actually got someone to be there with her at all times, to live and take care of her, as she has told me before, but now she has me, and we are literally glued to each other. So I just hope she doesn't have any type of breakdown or attack during this three days. I don't want her to be completely dependent of me but it still feels like we should never be apart from each other you know?

April 29th, 2011. Friday.

Sofía's pov:
Yesterday Grandma and Gran-Bubby spent the entire day playing and watching movies with me. They also told me to not tell Mama about a movie we watched, cause apparently she will get mad at them if she finds out, but Grandma also said Mama and my uncles and aunt watch this movie at the same age as me.
The movie is called The Godfather, and I have no idea what it is about, cause O was not paying attention because  before watching this movie we watched The wizard of Oz.

Mama did called me last night and she sent lots of kisses, but it's not the same and I miss her. I couldn't sleep in my room because of that, so I slept with Grandma. She is very cuddly, same as Mama. I now know where she got it from.

Today I woke up very early. The clock on Grandma's nightstand read 5:06 am. I tried to go back to sleep cause I didn't want to wake her up, but I just couldn't. After what felt like hours, I got up from bed and quietly got out of the room.
I sat on the sofa and stared at the wall.

I don't know how long I've been here but I feel someone picking me up.
~Honey, why are you crying?~ Grandma's recognizable voice says.
I didn't know I was crying, but now that she mentions it, I feel my cheeks wet and sticky and tears don't stop falling out of my eyes.
~I do-don't know~ I whisper.
She rocks me for a while to help me calm down and then she offers to go back to sleep but I don't want to, I'm not sleepy. She offers breakfast and I nod against her chest.

~Do you want anything specific?~
~I don't know~
~Mmm... does an omelet sounds good? With lots of cheese?~
~Yes, please~

Grand-Bubby wakes up while Grandma is making the omelets. We eat breakfast together but I stay quiet the entire time.

Washington DC

Scarlett's pov:
My mom just called me. She told me Sofia has been weird all day. First she found her crying on the couch at 7am and then she cried again before lunch, and she has been very quiet all day, which is extremely unusual for her.

I'm a little worried for her, but my mom also said that everytime she asks Sofia if she wants to call me, Sofia says no, that she doesn't want me come back yet, she wants me to enjoy my fancy dinner with her Uncle Hunter and the president.

I think Sofia is trying to be strong. Maybe she is not exactly crying because she is sad, or not completely because of that. When Sofia gets anxious and frustrated about something she gets desperate with herself and she cries it out. We are working on making that not happen all the time, but honestly, right now, if she wants to cry it out, I think we should let her.

Hunter is trying to calm me down while we finish getting ready, but he also says maybe we should go back tomorrow morning or at mid-day.

Hunter is the kind of person, the kind of brother and uncle, that sometimes can care way too much about others, not that it's a bad thing, but he tends to forget about himself, of course that's why sibling are there for cause we always make him take care of himself and just stop worring about others for at least a day. He is gonna do amazing things one day.

Me, on the other hand, I'm gonna have a brakdown if either my mom or grandma call me again saying Sofía is refusing to do something or is crying again.

New York City, NY.

Sofía's pov:
~Honey you have to eat dinner, please~ Grandma says trying to calm me down.
~I want my Mama!~ I say choking on my words.
I miss Mama, a lot. I want Mama hugs. Mama cuddles and kisses.
~I know you do Sofí, I know. She is not here right now, but remember she and Hunter are coming back tomorrow and when she is here she will give you all the hugs and kisses you want, cause you know what? She misses you as well~ she continues talking while rocking me.
~S-she does?~
~Very much darling, I bet after this she will actually, literally, glue herself to you~ Grand-Bubby says and that makes Grandma laugh.

After some more minutes of slight crying and sniffles and hiccups, I finally calmed down. Grand-Bubby asked if I was hungry, and to be honest I was, very, I just wanted to keep crying my lungs out.
Our dinner was potato latkes and a salad with farfel, all made by Grand-Bubby, she loves making jewish food and I love eating it.

The rest of the night went okay. I did have a lot of trouble falling alseep that ended up in some crying again but at last I managed to.

I want Mama.


Just a fluffy chapter... I think? Idk, I just wanted a worried mother-daughter chapter.

How is your weekend going?
Mine started very freaking early cause I had a horse practice at 8am, but the ranch is like an hour away from my house so I had to wake up at 6:15 am. Then I finished at 12, got back home and then went to get a new tattoo and almost fell asleep while getting it done.

It's JiJi from Kiki's delivery service!

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It's JiJi from Kiki's delivery service!

Hope you like the chapter! 😊

Stay safe! <3

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