
490 18 12

October 31st, 2011. Monday. Long Island, NY.

Sofía's pov:
Sitting still is very hard right now.

Today is halloween and Mama hired someone to do the makeup for my costume. She said she could probably do it herself but she probably also couldn't, so better safe than sorry.

She did do my hair, which is just in a very tight ponytail, but since my hair is curly and it gets frizzy, it took some time and lots of gel to get it to stay perfectly in place.

The girl who is doing the makeup has known Mama for some time, so she and Mama have been chatting non-stop, and all I can think about is that I want to move but she has a brush close to my eye so I can't.

~Sofí why did you decide to dress up as this?~ the girl, Marni, asks me.
~I'm not sure, I just really like the movie, it's very cool and fun to watch~
~When did you first watched the movie?~
~With my Grandma and Grand-Bubby, Mama didn't know I was watching it~ I say giggling.
~The one thing I tell my mom to do is "just watch kids or family movies, nothing else" and it's obviously the thing she decides to ignore, but that my mom so I don't know what I was expecting~ Mama says.

After 15 more minutes we are finally done with the makeup, the only thing left is putting the costume on.

Scarlett's pov:
People expect kids to dress up as something nice or cute or pretty, especially girls, and that kinda sucks if you ask me.

I didn't know what Sofía wanted to be this year, and I was expecting either soemthing simple or soemthing weird over the top, cause that's just who she is.

For example, last year she watched Pan's Labyrinth for the first time and she absolutely loved it. She would draw eyes on the palm of her hands and run around the house pretending she was the pale man. When I first watched the movie I got scared by that characters and her was Sofía chasing me around the house.

After this, know halloween, she said she wanted to dress up as one of the characters from the movie and was ready to start stressing out about where I could get a pale man's costume, but she chose to go as tha faun. Finding a costume for this character was equally hard but at least it was less scary according to Sofí.

She looked amazing, freaking scary bit amazing, so this year I was prepared for something similar, but Sofí has also been obsessed with the barbie movies.

I got her some pj's from one of the movies (don't even remember which) but she didn't want to take them off. She wore them to go to set, to go to the grocery store or to the park, and she obviously wore them to bed. Not gonna lie, part of me was hoping this year she chose something that only required buying a pretty dress or a tutu and a tiara. Something simple you know.

And did I get surprised. When J asked Sofía what she wanted to dress up as she told me she had three options but that she didn't know which one to pick.

The three options were: Alice in wonderland, Barbie musketeer or Terminator. Yep, you can definetly tell which movie she watched with my mom.

After some discussion of the pros and cons of each costume, Sofía decided Alice was pretty but not the best, so it got eliminated.
While deciding between the other two a meltdown almost happened, because she couldn't decide which one she liked the most, so I told her to go to sleep and that we could decide tomorrow with a fresh mindset.

That next day, on the set of Oz she was told that they would have a halloween costume dinner on the 28th, because why not, so Sofía called me instantly saying that now she didn't have to choose, cause she could wear one costume for the party and the other to go trick or treating. And she was correct, like the logic is there so I didn't know how to say no to her, I couldn't, that would've been mean. And she has also been working so hard, she is doing her second movie, and doing school, and learning a 2nd language (which she is getting so good at), and after she broke her ankle she had to go to physical therapy and she followed all the instructions so she was able to roller skate and do gymnastics again.

If my baby girl wanted to have two completely different costumes for halloween, she gets them.

She wore the barbie one for the party and she looked absolutely cute with her little hat and little sword, and she decided to put a hat on Marble as well which made her look even cuter. I love the fact that she is so tiny, everything makes her look cute.

~Be careful, Marni worked really hard on that cyborg makeup~ I warn to Sofía as I see her starting to jump around the living room very excited.
~Are we going now? Are we? Is it time yet?~ she asks way too fast now jumping on the couch.
~Almost, be patient little monkey, I'm just finishing packing some clothes and snacks~
~Mama! I'm Terminator not a monkey~ she whines giving me a look of deception.
~I'm sorry, little Terminator than~ I jokefuly say, which earns me her look of "you'll suffer later".

Sofía's pov:
~Mama come on! They are giving twix in that house!~ I say pulling Mama so she walks faster.
~Moooove!~ and Maya pulls her mom as well with the help of Fabi.

We are in a gated community in Long Island but they still want to hold our hands because there are a lot of people in here and everybody is walking in all possible directions.

~Oh look, who do we have in here? A power ranger, frankenstein and terminator! Here you go darlings, your costumes are amazing~ the nice lady of the twix house tells us.
~Thank you!~ we all answer.

Maya is dressed as the yellow power ranger and Fabi is dressed as Frankie Stein, and then Talia, Fabi's friend is dressed as Draculaura, both from Monster high.

Maya and I tought about doing costumes together bit we were never able to decide so we each came dress as whatever we wanted, and maybe next year we can decide on something so we are matching together.

~Girls, time to go back it's getting late and you've already went to every house, come on~ Makena says.
~Oh, nooo~ we complain.
~Nop, come on, walk~ Mama says making us all move towards Maya's house.
~Can we at least have some candy before going to bed?~ Fabia asks.
~Sure, you can have some~ Mama says after getting an approval nod from Makena.

Scarlett's pov:
I don't know who was mote tired, the mothers or the girls.

The community where Makena and Erasmo live is kinda big so we walked a lot, and then being pulled by little girls to every single house didn't help with the not getting tired part.

When we came back to the house, the girls ate some candy while also trading the others between them. We, the moms, obviously got the candy no one likes, but at least the girls also gave us a couple of the good candies.

Makena and I were on the kitchen having a glass of wine when we notice there's no more noise coming form the living room. Finally they have fallen asleep, their bed time is supposed to be around 8:30 and it's almost basically 10, but it's halloween and they were refusing to going to bed so we just let them be.

We get up and walk towards the couch, seeing the four girls sleeping almost on top of each other. We clean up their candy and I gently pick up Sofía so I can at least try to get some of that makeup off. All of them had already changed into their pj's but they refused to take the makeup off.

Makena gives me some makeup wipes and I start cleaning off Sofí's face as gently as I can, good thing is that all the color is coming off easily, so she only stirs a bit but she doesn't wake up.

We take the girls to their rooms, Fabi and her friend to her room, and Sofía and Maya to Maya's room. After we make sure everyone is still sleeping we go back to the kitchen to continue with our chat.

Tomorrow morning they are all probably going to be tired, and then Sofía is going to not want to do school because she doesn't have to go to an actual building like the other three have, but we agreed on school hours being from 9 to 12 so she has no scape from this one.


How are you all today?
I'm happy because I got a 96 on my celular biology test, all the stress was kinda worth it hahaha.

I think about dressing up as terminator and it just sounds so cool lol.

Hope you like the chapter!

Stay safe <3

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