No sleep

447 17 3

September 24th, 2014. New York City, NY.

Scarlett's pov:
~I don't want to!~ Sofía screams to me.

I've been trying to convince her to sit on the table so we can have lunch, but she just keeps refusing and storming out of the room.

To be honest we've all been having quite a few sleepless nights. Rose is only three weeks old so she ovbiously still doens't sleep trough the entire night, even though she is sleeping way more than we tought she would. She has been waking up around three or four times because it's normal for babies to wake up from hunger, but she can quickly be put back to sleep, like it only takes some minutes.

Our problem here, has been Sofí, who usually is a very deep sleeper, but apparently baby cries wake her up instantly, and she has more toruble falling asleep again. Sometimes Romain takes care of the baby so I can take her of Sofí, and sometimes the other way around, but Sofí is still not getting enough sleep.

We tried ear plugges but she moves so much while sleeping that they keep falling off, so a big fail. After some research and a recommendation from her pediatrician, we found this sound proof earmuffs that you can comfortably sleep in, so we ordered them and they were supposed to arrive yesterday but they didn't. I called and they promised me they would arrive today, at what time? No idea, because it's 2pm and not a sign of the delivery guy.

Sofía has definetly had enough of this. She never behaves like this, not even when she has had her bad anxiety episodes that can last a long time, so I really really need for those earmuffs to arrive, for the sake of everyone in this house.

~Okay Sofía, you know what? I have already asked you what you need, how can I help, and you say nothing, you just scream. So if you do not want to sit to have lunch, don't. Just stay here, take as long as you need to calm down and whenerver you are ready to join us, please do~ I say in a stern tone to my daughter who is currently on the floor of the living room throwing a tantrum.

I proceed to leave the room after Sofía looks at me in disbelieve and goes completly quiet. I don't think she expected me to ever say that, but I'm also very tired and it was the only answer I came up with. When I enter the dinning room I start hearing her cry while she calls my name, and I don't like hearing her like that, but right now I also know that if I go back to that room she will continue being stubborn, so I jst let her calm herself.

Romain and I eat without Sofía for about 15 minutes, trying to make small talk so neither of us focus on the cries and whines. Until small steps start getting close to the table, and Sofía slowly comes to sit. Her gaze on the floor and still some sniffles being heard. She does nothing but sit there, she doesn't pick up her fork, or the glass of water.

~I'm sorry~ a tiny shaky voice says.
~Are you okay to talk or you just want to eat for now?~ I ask her. My voice way more calmly then before.
~Eat~ she answers. I just say an okay and continue eating.

She eats slow and with very small bites at first, but than she goes back to her hungry self and takes big bites. It's obvious she is hungry when she didn't want to finish her breakfast and didn't want to eat a snack either. I'm just glad she is more calm right now.

Rose starts crying out loud but Romain instantly stands up.
~I got this one, you two rest a bit~ he says kissing Sofí on the head and then me on the cheek before leaving the room.

When I see she is done eating I ask the same question again, wondering if she wants to talk.

~I'm tired, I'm sorry~ a tear drops when she says this.
~Come here~ I motion for her too sit on my lap. ~I understand that you are tired, and I'm sorry the baby has been waking you in the middle of the night. I'm not angry at you, just a little irritated by the way you have been acting today. I'm sorry if I was too harsh sweetie~
~You weren't Mama~

We stay quiet for a while.
~Will I be able to sleep the entire night again?~ 
~Of course you will. Hopefully the earmuffs arrive today or a poor man is gonna get to know your angry Mama; and Rose will start learning not to wake up at night, she is still only a few weeks old so she still doesn't know how to control her sleeping yet, but she will~

~Are all babies like this? Do you think I was like this?~
~The mayority of babies, yes. And you are an amazing sleeper so maybe you were like this only in the first weeks and then you weren't~

~I know I slept on my own since very early so is Rose gonna sleep on her room soon? Like me~
~Oh trust me, she is going to, as soon as possible. Give it two weeks and she will. Mama needs her room back~ I say which makes Sofía giggle.

We decide to stand up and go wash the dishes together. Afterwards go to the living room trying to find the other two.
Rose is awake but quietly lying next to Romain who is reading one of his french books.


The mailman arrived at 5pm, and I'm not gonna lie, I almost cried when he gave me the package. Once I gave it to Sofí she practically ripped off the cardboard and instantly put on the earmuffs, which then proceed on Romain talking very loudly to her to make sure they were what we got promised, and Sofía couldn't hear a thing he said.

Either way, Sofí decided she was gonna make Rose as tired as possible, and none of the adults disagree. Why? We also want to sleep.

So the rest of the night consisted on my oldest making the youngest giggle and move as much as she could, and keeping her awake for as long as she could.

It worked perfectly. Rose woke up two times, and Sofía didn't, not once.


I didn't know what to write about because during this time Scarlett didn't have any projects or anything so not much to work with, but I remembered about the time I couldn't sleep when my cousin was a baby, so this is the result .

No idea if it's good, but I hope you could enjoy it a bit :)

Stay safe <3

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